  • May 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Well... what the actual f*** did he expect? Multiple residents telling this genius NOT to heat up the place by taking pictures (where d*** deals happen), but he still did anyways.

    The “law” and “what’s right” doesn’t hold the same weight in every part of the world.

    Tourists need to understand that, save their ass, and stay on a resort and enjoy their f***ing time.

    Exactly. You thousands of miles from home and wanna act like your American privilege means something to these people.

  • May 5, 2021

    Exactly. You thousands of miles from home and wanna act like your American privilege means something to these people.

    I don’t give a f*** if I’m a million miles away, disrespect is disrespect s*** don’t justify them killing someone like this.....