  • Jan 25, 2023

    Couldn't watch it last night but tomorrow night I'm watching it

  • Jan 25, 2023
    1 reply

    I'd say maybe whiplash. It's a dark film bro. Like whiplash/black swan meets taxi driver/joker

    wowowow. that sounds amazing.

  • Jan 25, 2023
    1 reply

    I'd say maybe whiplash. It's a dark film bro. Like whiplash/black swan meets taxi driver/joker

  • Jan 25, 2023
    1 reply

    he lyin tho

  • Jan 25, 2023
    1 reply

    he lyin tho

    I'll know tomorrow

  • Jan 25, 2023

    Get the Lexapro on deck. 💯 But yeah, definitely really enjoyed Magazine Dreams. Saw myself in his character a bit, well up until the restaurant scene and much of what followed afterwards yeesh

    it's crazy cus the guys who jumped him wasn't in the wrong, I mean if someone completely destroyed my family members shop I'd prolly do the same thing. That's what I really like about this film, it wasn't just random people jumping him for no reason just to bully him, all that s\*\*\* stemmed from his actions. But then you can't fully blame him either because he has mental health issues and doesn't know how to control his mind. The famous wrestler using him for s\*\*\*stemmed from Killian being an obsessed stan (literally lol) ..The chick on the date leaving stemmed from Killian being awkward and coming across scary even tho he wasn't trying to at all. Real complex movie for sure || I just wish a lot of the stuff they set up in the first half || Um like his health, that was a huge thing or even the chick on the date I wish those parts paid off in the 2nd half instead of leaving them as red herrings

  • Jan 25, 2023

    wowowow. that sounds amazing.

    Yeah that obsession to succeed is what's similar to whiplash/black swan

    The mental health and not connecting with humans is what's similar to taxi driver/joker

  • Jan 25, 2023

    I'll know tomorrow

    Lol alotta reviews is pointing out the same comparisons. It's a little obvious in some parts tho. And someone in the Q&A even mentioned how it looked like he copied some scenes from a movie (couldn't hear the question so not sure what movie he referred to) but the directors response was like "yeah i've seen that movie like 200 times, I didn't try and copy it on purpose"

  • Jan 25, 2023

    You could even mix some Nightcrawler in there. He was obsessed with succeeding with his news company and didn't know how to connect with humans at all.

  • Jan 25, 2023
    1 reply

    (Not a brag at all) But this movie really made me appreciate my social skills. For me it's easy to talk to people (even tho I don't like to do it all the time, thats life) so sometimes I tend to forget that it's an actual struggle for some people. And with the main character it was sad to see that displayed, but it came across realistic af.

  • Jan 25, 2023
    1 reply

    (Not a brag at all) But this movie really made me appreciate my social skills. For me it's easy to talk to people (even tho I don't like to do it all the time, thats life) so sometimes I tend to forget that it's an actual struggle for some people. And with the main character it was sad to see that displayed, but it came across realistic af.

    Mannnnn Oscar Meyer Winner you be talkin the hot s*** on KTT all day. Don’t worry, you’re cool.

    On a serious/sad note, being social is just different these days.

  • Jan 25, 2023

    Mannnnn Oscar Meyer Winner you be talkin the hot s*** on KTT all day. Don’t worry, you’re cool.

    On a serious/sad note, being social is just different these days.

    lmao nah i love all ya'll.

    It definitely is fam, ever since pandemic I haven't nearly been as social as I use to, especially with working from home now. It's weird.

  • Jan 27, 2023
    2 replies

    This was really good. I see the Taxi Driver, Nightcrawler, Black Swan, and even Joker comparisons that some made. Man Majors was incredible in this. The whole time my emotions toward Killian changed minute to minute and most of that was due to his performance.

    As @op said, this really made me appreciate my social skills lmao

    Overall man one of the best films I’ve seen this year (only January) but it could stay up there for a while.

  • Jan 27, 2023


  • Jan 27, 2023

    This was really good. I see the Taxi Driver, Nightcrawler, Black Swan, and even Joker comparisons that some made. Man Majors was incredible in this. The whole time my emotions toward Killian changed minute to minute and most of that was due to his performance.

    As @op said, this really made me appreciate my social skills lmao

    Overall man one of the best films I’ve seen this year (only January) but it could stay up there for a while.

  • Jan 27, 2023
  • Jan 27, 2023

    This was really good. I see the Taxi Driver, Nightcrawler, Black Swan, and even Joker comparisons that some made. Man Majors was incredible in this. The whole time my emotions toward Killian changed minute to minute and most of that was due to his performance.

    As @op said, this really made me appreciate my social skills lmao

    Overall man one of the best films I’ve seen this year (only January) but it could stay up there for a while.

    Jan is reserved for classics only nowadays

  • Jan 29, 2023

    Also when Killian got beat up and still drove to his competition all bruised up || was a complete copy of Whiplash || when Miles teller gets in the car crash and still goes to his competition all bruised up

  • Jan 29, 2023

    On second watch this still holds up for me. Still loved it. Only thing I’d do is make a few changes in the second half.

    Example: Diner scene ran way too long, should of cut when he told the kid don’t drink soda it’ll make you fat that line really stemmed from his trauma and the emphasis on that would of hit more if it didn’t get dragged out with the extra s*** that happens after

  • Jan 30, 2023

    This movie was a wild ride start to finish.

  • Jan 30, 2023
    2 replies

    I'm still thinking about this performance

  • Jan 30, 2023

    I'm still thinking about this performance

  • Jan 30, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm still thinking about this performance

    Same. I just wish the second half was stronger and the taxi driver/joker influence wasn’t so obvious

    I would remove the whole therapist s\*\*\* all together. I’d honestly remove the whole gun arc. And I’d definitely remove the scene when he’s in the car pretending his fingers are a gun, it’s a direct rip from taxi driver. And I believe someone called them out for it in the Q&A

  • Jan 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Same. I just wish the second half was stronger and the taxi driver/joker influence wasn’t so obvious

    I would remove the whole therapist s\*\*\* all together. I’d honestly remove the whole gun arc. And I’d definitely remove the scene when he’s in the car pretending his fingers are a gun, it’s a direct rip from taxi driver. And I believe someone called them out for it in the Q&A

    Right, like it got a little too derivative at times

    The whole gun thing did feel like it was a Taxi Driver rip. Like if they wanted to go in with the mental health aspect, a suicide attempt could've been a better choice. Would've been a direct result of things such as the video that got posted. Feel like Elijah got hooked listening to Stan and wrote a bodybuilding version of that. It's not bad, but just super derivative.

  • Jan 30, 2023

    Right, like it got a little too derivative at times

    The whole gun thing did feel like it was a Taxi Driver rip. Like if they wanted to go in with the mental health aspect, a suicide attempt could've been a better choice. Would've been a direct result of things such as the video that got posted. Feel like Elijah got hooked listening to Stan and wrote a bodybuilding version of that. It's not bad, but just super derivative.

    Yeah I agree I was also gonna say I’m also on the fence with the whole stan idea and possibly would remove that too. Also I would remove the small commentary they snuck in on police brutality on black ppl, reason being because it’s pushing too many themes and never diving in on 1 or 2 things. Less is more IMO but Majors performance makes up for the few script issues. And I’m always gonna love an antihero character study movie as long as it’s decently done well.