  • Jun 30, 2020

    Lock thread and ban OP

  • Jun 30, 2020

    He’s a young dude who halfway knows what he’s talking about, which automatically puts a huge gap between him and his competition.

    With that being said we need to see what he does next. Judging rn is pointless because anybody can have a good run.

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Idk mane Disturbing the Peace was pretty hot for a minute. Luda just smoked Nelly in the Verzuz battle, sold more, won a Grammy for raoty, had huge features. I disagree, but I don’t care enough about Luda to argue much on his behalf. And does Jeezy really have more longeticity? Luda was hot for 11 years then just quit. Jeezy might still be making music but hasn’t really done anything big in about 5-6 years, right?

    Hmmm idk good points I just feel like the CTE movement was so big, Luda didn’t really have something like that. And I feel like Jeezys music has had more lasting influence on the music itself

    Idk interesting discussion, might make a thread on this later