  • Sep 20, 2021

    hell na @op yall did him dirty lmfaooo

    @op cancelled on ktt now smh

  • Sep 20, 2021

    'super moist' chocolate cake

  • Sep 21, 2021

    Site is the definition of crabs in a barrel

    But seriously, people tend to fw peoples stuff more here if they also engage with the community as a normal poster. I think what OP does is dope, but a lot of people aren’t gonna engage if all he does is promote his interviews. Gotta post like anyone else to build relationships and a presence

    YNS, Chloe, Mitch all get lots of love because they’re seen as the homies and post about other s*** besides their own work

    Not hating on OP btw like I said I think he’s great but that’s just how it is

    i just comment on other people's stuff tbh dont make my own posts but feel that 100%

  • Sep 21, 2021

    No clue who that is, but good job fam and will play your video in the background, keep up the good work

    lets go

  • Sep 21, 2021

    ngl this nigga Cochise corny but you winning OP I been watching u for a minute. ur ken carson interview my favorite so far.

    thats fire! ken the f***in man fr. Loved project x

  • Sep 21, 2021

    lmaooo he knew damn well we were going to do that title we facetimed during the upload lol. Hes really good at making memes and doing the social media s*** though props to him. Gets crazy traction.

  • Sep 21, 2021

    The voice I read op post in b funny ashell ngl
