Isn’t he not even related to them he just be chillin off the strength of his aura?
bit of an overreaction the kid is not severly obese like that...
Could be asthma? A cold? Allergy? Stuffed nose?
Love these guys
is it a good thing that i have no idea who these people are?
no they are great
Look all fatphobia intended, I hate fat people as much as the next guy but if you go to any part of New Jersey during the day there’s like 100 of this kid running around stuffed with corn syrup and carbohydrates. He isn’t that much more overweight than them
Costco Guys and Hawk Tuah are proof that the algorithm is a blessing and a curse at the same time.
Niggas b roasting dudes for listening to nettspend then hype up memes designed for middle schoolers
NEW FEATURE b roasting dudes for listening to nettspend then hype up memes designed for middle schoolers
okay nettspend