  • Apr 7, 2021

    only thing that’s keeping me from getting another pc is that I feel like I gotta get Logic Pro x under my belt. People seem to prefer that way more for recording and I hardly know a thing about it. Should I bite the bullet ktt? Completely happy with pc otherwise, I actually prefer windows os and they’re hardware choices more than mac

  • Joestar 🇺🇸
    Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Depends on what you plan to use it for.

  • Apr 7, 2021

    Depends on what you plan to use it for.

    Production mostly, also recording other ppls vocals

  • Apr 7, 2021 is your friend

  • Apr 7, 2021
    2 replies

    Macs arent that good for making music

  • Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    only thing that’s keeping me from getting another pc is that I feel like I gotta get Logic Pro x under my belt. People seem to prefer that way more for recording and I hardly know a thing about it. Should I bite the bullet ktt? Completely happy with pc otherwise, I actually prefer windows os and they’re hardware choices more than mac

    Stay with Windows your not missing anything. Logic is just Garageband with more stuff

  • Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    upgrade to an iPad with garageband

  • Apr 7, 2021


  • Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply
    Chloe Hotleezy

    Stay with Windows your not missing anything. Logic is just Garageband with more stuff

    Logic has wayyy more stuff than garageband, its on par w FL and ableton now honestly

  • Joestar 🇺🇸
    Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Logic has wayyy more stuff than garageband, its on par w FL and ableton now honestly

    Doesn’t Tyler produce with Logic

  • Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Doesn’t Tyler produce with Logic

    Every album since Cherry Bomb has been made with logic only

  • Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    If you’re bored with your money, yes. I’ve had a Mac book for music production. It’s cool, but there’s nothing there that a pc can’t do already

  • Apr 7, 2021

    m1 air is honestly so goated i’m in f***ing love dude and i use this for school + music production + documentsary film making

  • Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    i can’t recommend it enough but it’s expensive and if u plan on gaming then no

    but assuming you don’t really use a windows specific program and want to focus on music producing absolutely invest in a mac

    honestly 2015 macbook pros are the only other macs you should get if you’re on a budget. m1 or 2015 pro for sure. i can go into details why this is, but i have both and they have served me so well.

    logic is great for recording. for the music i wanna make its great. i can’t speak on it for hip hop

  • Apr 7, 2021

    upgrade to an iPad with garageband

    this but unironically

  • Apr 7, 2021

    If you’re bored with your money, yes. I’ve had a Mac book for music production. It’s cool, but there’s nothing there that a pc can’t do already

    My friends are some b****es and they never wanna record on fl tho. And I don’t know enough of logic to record or properly and I definitely couldn’t make a beat on it. I know it’s pretty straight forward software but nothing I has the same flow as fl and it feels like I’ll need that skill in the future

  • Apr 7, 2021

    currently using a pc but switched from a mac a few years ago and I prefer pc for sure. if youre the type to get cracked plugins etc. its way easier on a pc too.

  • Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    ppl say logic pro is just garageband with more stuff like it’s a bad thing

    this is great bc you can learn so much with just a free program which is always a plus. logic is very beginner friendly imo. it’s one weakness is that it’s piano roll is kinda ass compared to fl.

    the best features on ableton u can emulate fairly well on logic, if that’s what u were interested

    ableton and fl are pricey compared to the flat $200 for logic
    grimes made her best album with just garageband and of course her a***og synths.

    regardless u need a computer with a decent amount of ram and gpu power. invest wisely on something that will last you 5-7 years man, treat it well. at the end of the day none of it matters, it’s just time and dedication you put into it ight champ

  • Apr 7, 2021
    Chloe Hotleezy

    Every album since Cherry Bomb has been made with logic only

    speaks volumes about logic

  • Apr 7, 2021

    The m1 chip and the pro app education bundle made me get a new mac mini recently.

    I am used to logic so I have accumulated people around me who also use it. But honestly I yearn to be in pro tools. I think that ableton is the best to learn for product. I don't really like fl

    You could always learn reaper!!

  • Apr 7, 2021
    2 replies

    I’ve heard many say that Logic is the best DAW for recording vocals, and is pretty much the standard in most professional studios. Since you mentioned recording others is what you’d mostly be doing, I’d definitely say go for that one.

  • bebacksoon
    · edited

    I’ve heard many say that Logic is the best DAW for recording vocals, and is pretty much the standard in most professional studios. Since you mentioned recording others is what you’d mostly be doing, I’d definitely say go for that one.

    Yeah a lot of studios run Mac Pros or iMacs. Sometimes Mac minis if it's a smaller studio

  • Apr 7, 2021
    4 replies

    if you talking about laptops, nah. MacBook not the move in 2021, Apple has fallen off ALOT in the last 6-7 years with their laptop line.

    theres cheaper alternatives with BETTER technology smh

    find a pc

    this is coming from an avid apple user

  • yes i'll never go back

  • Apr 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Apple seemed untouchable before 2015. The golden standard for years but something has shifted big time.