  • Nov 15, 2019

    I got arrested 3 times but Imma only tell 2. Once for burglary. The owner of the house caught me on my way out
    This resulted in 4 days in a cell and like 100 hours of community service. Lucky I was a minor at the time fr

    Other time I defended myself on a night out and somehow they arrested me cause I was drunk and they probably thought I was the one who started it. Had to spend the night in a cell for no reason s*** had me heated.

    Worst trouble I've been in when it comes to school is getting suspended for 3 days cause I was caught smoking weed. I didn't even get caught myself but some nigga I was with did and he snitched the whole f***ing gang. Never spoke to dude again after that s***. My momma was so disappointed too that was the worst thing about it all

    What's the worst trouble y'all ever been in? If you don't wanna share too much details thats cool

  • Nov 15, 2019

    ive never been in trouble since i am a LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES

  • Nov 15, 2019

    that being said, I fell asleep on top of a police patrol car while drunk and got jailed for the night

  • Nov 15, 2019

    Got caught on 4/20 with a Glock, percs, weed, muscle relaxers, a few xans. Luckily I was a minor otherwise it would have been felony city ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ f*** allat

    S*** real out here now

  • Nov 15, 2019

    got muted on ktt2

  • Nov 15, 2019

    aight so once i was at a party and i was high af this guy comes up to me and says i have the best d*** u should try it and i say wtf what is this. and its just this little vessel containing some blue fluid. so i inject that s*** in my gums and next thing i know i get this viewrd feeling and next thing i know this girl is bouncing on my leg - so i ask her wtf are u doing and she turns aorund and its actually a guy.

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    in like preschool i left a voicemail on sum girl voice message box saying imma kill her, i got evaluated for like a hospital or sum s***

  • Nov 15, 2019

    in like preschool i left a voicemail on sum girl voice message box saying imma kill her, i got evaluated for like a hospital or sum s***

    luv u

  • Nov 15, 2019

    got caught cheating on a test was embarrassing as hell & when I was younger me & 2 of my friends wanted to try the new Pringles flavors & just ripped open a bag at the supermarket.

    When we went to the cash register the supermarket detectives were already waiting for us & called our parents

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    in 7th grade i had my gf email me vids of her showering
    i was waiting for new material so i left my email open
    my mom got on the computer to play sum online poker
    so instead of talking to me about sex, the next day my mom and dad decided to take me to the diner and hand me papers about minors being caught and charged with cp

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    in 7th grade i had my gf email me vids of her showering
    i was waiting for new material so i left my email open
    my mom got on the computer to play sum online poker
    so instead of talking to me about sex, the next day my mom and dad decided to take me to the diner and hand me papers about minors being caught and charged with cp

    This sounds awkward as F***

  • Nov 15, 2019

    This sounds awkward as F***

    honestly i started crying

  • Nov 15, 2019

    Caught an heroin addict spazing on the ground in the bush the other day with a needle in his arm.
    And for real asked myself, if I should call someone cuz I dont want to get in trouble (had red eyes like a motherfucker & even got packs by me that day).
    But fortunately everthing went out well in the end. Me and my girl called the ambulance and s***.
    God bless, I have never been in a stabbing or s*** like that.