  • Get them qubits quibbin'


    "A new phase of matter has been observed in a quantum computer after physicists pulsed light on its qubits in a pattern inspired by the Fibonacci sequence.

    If you think that's mind-boggling, this weird quirk of quantum mechanics behaves as though it has two time dimensions, instead of one; a trait that scientists say makes the qubits more robust, able to remain stable for the entire duration of the experiment.

    This stability is called quantum coherence, and it's one of the main goals for an error-free quantum computer – and one of the most difficult to achieve.

    The work represents "a completely different way of thinking about phases of matter," according to computational quantum physicist Philipp Dumitrescu of the Flatiron Institute, lead author of a new paper describing the phenomenon.

    "I've been working on these theory ideas for over five years, and seeing them come actually to be realized in experiments is exciting."

    Quantum computing is based on qubits, the quantum equivalent of computing bits. However, where bits process information in one of two states, a 1 or a 0, qubits can be both simultaneously, a state known as quantum superposition.

    The mathematical nature of that superposition can be incredibly powerful from a computational standpoint, making short work of problem solving under the right circumstances.

    But the blurred, unsettled nature of a series of qubits also depends on how their undecided states relate to one another – a relationship called entanglement.

    Frustratingly, qubits can entangle with just about anything in its environment, introducing errors. The more delicate a qubit's blurry state is (or the more chaos there is in its environment), the greater the risk of it losing this coherence.

    Improving coherence to the point of viability is likely a multi-tactic approach to clear a significant hurdle standing in the way of a functional quantum computer – every little bit makes a difference.

    "Even if you keep all the atoms under tight control, they can lose their quantumness by talking to their environment, heating up or interacting with things in ways you didn't plan," Dumitrescu explained.

    "In practice, experimental devices have many sources of error that can degrade coherence after just a few laser pulses."

    Enforcing a symmetry can be one means of protecting qubits from decoherence. Rotate a plain old square ninety degrees, and it's still effectively the same shape. This symmetry protects it from certain rotational effects.

    Tapping qubits with evenly spaced laser pulses ensures there's a symmetry based not in space, but time. Dumitrescu and his colleagues wanted to know if they could dial up this effect by adding, not symmetrical periodicity, but asymmetrical quasiperiodicity.

    This, they theorized, would add not one time symmetry, but two; one effectively buried inside the other.

    The idea was based on earlier work by the team that proposed the creation of something called a quasicrystal in time, rather than space. Where a crystal is made of a symmetrical lattice of atoms that repeats in space, like a square grid jungle gym or a honeycomb, the pattern of atoms on a quasicrystal is non-repeating, like a Penrose tiling, yet still ordered.

    The team conducted their experiment on a cutting-edge commercial quantum computer designed by Quantinuum, a quantum computing company. This beast employs for its qubits 10 atoms of ytterbium (one of the elements of choice for atomic clocks). These atoms are held in an electrical ion trap, from which laser pulses can be employed to control or measure them.

    Dumitrescu and colleagues created a sequence of laser pulses based on Fibonacci numbers, where each segment is the sum of the two previous segments. This results in a sequence that is ordered, but doesn't repeat, just like a quasicrystal.

    Quasicrystals can be mathematically described as lower-dimensional segments of higher-dimensional lattices. A Penrose tiling can be described as a two-dimensional slice of a five-dimensional hypercube.

    In the same way, the team's laser pulses can be described as a one-dimensional representation of a two-dimensional pattern. Theoretically, this meant that it could potentially impose two time symmetries on qubits.

    The team tested their work by flashing lasers at the ytterbium qubit array, first in a symmetrical sequence, then quasiperiodically. They then measured the coherence of the two qubits on either end of the trap.

    For the periodic sequence, the qubits were stable for 1.5 seconds. For the quasiperiodic sequence, they remained stable for 5.5 seconds – the duration of the experiment.

    The additional time symmetry, the researchers said, added another layer of protection against quantum decoherence.

    "With this quasi-periodic sequence, there's a complicated evolution that cancels out all the errors that live on the edge," Dumitrescu said.

    "Because of that, the edge stays quantum-mechanically coherent much, much longer than you'd expect."

    The work isn't close to being ready for integration into functional quantum computers, but it does represent an important step towards that goal, the researchers said.

  • Jul 21, 2022

  • Jul 21, 2022


  • plants 🌻
    Jul 21, 2022

    this one need a summary or sumn dawg

  • 6isco 🦈
    Jul 21, 2022

    we needa chill

  • Jul 21, 2022
    3 replies

    explain it to me like i’m 4

  • Jul 21, 2022

    explain it to me like i’m 4

  • Jul 21, 2022

    sell me this pen.

  • Jul 21, 2022
    2 replies

    god is real

  • Jul 21, 2022

    explain it to me like i’m 4

  • Jul 21, 2022
    1 reply

    i can explain what going on @Faith @plants

    this is a qbit he need to watch out and jump on da squares or the coil snake gonna get him

    but he is good if he get da hypno disc he can swag surf 🏄‍♂️ to the top and beat da snake 🐍 i think the researcher trying to get qbit to understand he need to move away from the spring coil snakes. it’s too many to handle dat. so the researcher saying “hey it’s time to restrategize you only got 2 hypno float discs. qbit it’s time to boss up” 😒

  • AudioConsulting

    i can explain what going on @Faith @plants

    this is a qbit he need to watch out and jump on da squares or the coil snake gonna get him

    but he is good if he get da hypno disc he can swag surf 🏄‍♂️ to the top and beat da snake 🐍 i think the researcher trying to get qbit to understand he need to move away from the spring coil snakes. it’s too many to handle dat. so the researcher saying “hey it’s time to restrategize you only got 2 hypno float discs. qbit it’s time to boss up” 😒

    Honestly I’ll rather read the article

  • Jul 21, 2022
    2 replies

    explain in kim kardashian terms

  • Jul 21, 2022

    explain in kim kardashian terms

    that ass so PHAT u can put a glass on it

  • Jul 21, 2022
    2 replies

    Man can y’all just leave some of this s*** alone bruh, like please? God finna pull the PLUG PLUG.

  • Jul 21, 2022
    1 reply

    Man can y’all just leave some of this s*** alone bruh, like please? God finna pull the PLUG PLUG.

    this is what ppl said to copernicus

  • Jul 21, 2022
    sun Za

    this is what ppl said to copernicus

    And his scrawny neck bird ass should’ve listened

  • Jul 21, 2022
    2 replies

    This is what Terrence Howard was talking about

  • Jul 21, 2022

    This about quantum entanglement, correct?

  • Jul 21, 2022

    This is what Terrence Howard was talking about

    if we just change this quantum qbit thread 🧵 , everything will be fine. uh oh jimi hendrix is playing the tuba and boom goes the universe. 😳

  • Jul 21, 2022

    This is what Terrence Howard was talking about

  • Jul 21, 2022
    5 replies

    explain it to me like i’m 4

    the elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know on the some are good some are bad some are meant but the good ones don't ever want to organize the battles in look organized they want set for power powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people they want to empower they don't get to get together until things are really late in the game then they come together evils always defeated because good is so much stronger and we're on this planet and Einstein's physics show that Max Planck physics show there's overs at least 12 dimensions and now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming on saying it's a false hologram it is artificial the computers scanning it and finding tension points where its artificially is projected and gravity bleeding in to this universe that's what they call dark matter so we're like thought or dream or a wisp in some computer programs of God's mind whatever they're proving it all it's all coming out about now there's like this sub transmission zone below the third dimension this is turned over to those horrible things what it resonates to and it's trying to get up into the third dimension that's just a basic level consciousness to watch into the next levels and our species already way up in the fifth sixth dimension consciously our best people but there's this big war trying to like basically destroy humanity because humanity has free will and there's a decision to which level we want to go to the a free will so evils allowed to come and contend not just good and the elites themselves believe they're racing using human technology to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization where they're going to merge with machines transcend and break away from fulfilled species of this man which is kind of like a full transmission because they're thinking what they are is ugly bad projecting it on themselves said of believing no it's a human test about building us up and so Google's setup 18 19 years ago i knew about this before it was declassified I'm saying i have good sources that they wanted to build a giant artificial system and Google believes the first artificial intelligence will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into the internet of things and so all of our thoughts go into it and we're actually building a computer that's real neurons in real time that's also psychically connected to us that are organic creatures so that they will have current prediction powers future prediction powers the true crystal ball but the big secret is once you have a crystal ball and know the future you can add stimuli beforehand to make decisions that control the future and so then it's the end of consciousness and free will for individuals as you know and a true 2.0 in a very bad way hi mind consciousness with an AI checked into everyone knowing their hopes and dreams delivering it to us on some PKD water head systems where we plug in give up on consciousness because of unlimited pleasure but if we were already wired and absorbed before we knew it by giving over our consciousness to the system our daily decisions this was able to manipulate control into a there's now a human counter-strike taking place to shut this off before it gets fully into place and to block new systems and to try to have an actual debate about where humanity goes and cut off the pedophiles psychic vampires that are control of this AI system before humanity's destroyed the pedophiles in at whatever level the devil whatever you want to call him this interdimensional thing that gives them advance off world technology to fallen one thats not of this world is giving them advanced knowledge of how to construct these systems that have already been used before on other populations im saying something that the stupid preacher tells you about is totally controlled or something read about you know in the news or TV where this is an interdimensional force it wants to influence us to build something that absorbs actually killed us rather than the divine free will were given to build something much better than empowered the species so the species is not making a decision about our entire future I know from in from looking at all the data researching and studying and watching the enemy that's the big decision that humanity has now got before us

  • Jul 21, 2022
    1 reply

    don’t care

  • Jul 21, 2022
    3 replies

    You're posting this on the wrong site bro. Nobody here even has the mental capacity to comprehend this

  • Jul 21, 2022

    You're posting this on the wrong site bro. Nobody here even has the mental capacity to comprehend this

    I studied math and can't understand this stuff