  • Oct 30, 2021

    i have this issue where i speak and act quicker than i think and therefore act by committee n impulse a lot

    anytime anyone ever offers me something and im not pinpoint focused i quickly say no thanks even if its something very trivial or even something id welcome very much at the time like say a glass of water

    like a second after this i will always regret it cause my internal voice starts cussin at me talkin bout but you do want that wtf

    part of it stems from my childhood where id never ask for anything during grocery runs with my mom knowing she didnt have it like that and another part of it might be that i dont want to cause nobody inconveniences or hassle and that s*** is jus hella annoying in practice

    i missed out on so many favors and opportunities at handouts all because im conditioned like a b****

  • Oct 30, 2021
    2 replies

    Something I started doing is dapping people up with my right hand only regardless of how inconvenient it is
    Good way to practice mindfulness
    Also that’s considered rude op

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Something I started doing is dapping people up with my right hand only regardless of how inconvenient it is
    Good way to practice mindfulness
    Also that’s considered rude op

    r u left handed

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    @op u gotta open up more
    trust more
    let niggas inside

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    i do this too and sometimes i really want what they offered

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    i do this too and sometimes i really want what they offered

    same. im getting better at just saying yes though. we overthink too much

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    never forget i was starving and my girls mom asked me if i wanted a bowl of macaroni s*** looked scrumptious and i said no

  • Oct 30, 2021

    I feel u when people ask if I wanna take a bite in their food just to taste or a sip I just say no instinctively

  • Oct 30, 2021

    r u left handed

    Nah I got a personal tatt on my right arm so I stopped doing certain things with it
    like wiping my ass so it extended to other things I guess

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    same. im getting better at just saying yes though. we overthink too much

    i always double hit people w the “u sure?” when i ask too bc i know a lot of times they saying no to be polite

  • Oct 30, 2021
    mr get dough

    never forget i was starving and my girls mom asked me if i wanted a bowl of macaroni s*** looked scrumptious and i said no

    missed out on so much food

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Oct 30, 2021
    mr get dough

    i always double hit people w the “u sure?” when i ask too bc i know a lot of times they saying no to be polite

    YES exactly. Always make sure to ask multiple times
    Or if it's something I have in my hands I just hand it to them regardless cause they mightve said ''no'' without thinking / to be polite

  • Oct 30, 2021

    Same I do this too like I feel like saying no to someone's offering is the polite thing to do for some reason idk im dum
    I also am pretty impulsive as well but i don't think that's why I do it

  • Oct 30, 2021

    Something I started doing is dapping people up with my right hand only regardless of how inconvenient it is
    Good way to practice mindfulness
    Also that’s considered rude op

    Everybody I've ever dapped up uses their right hand?

  • Oct 30, 2021

    @op u gotta open up more
    trust more
    let niggas inside