  • Sep 8, 2020

    I'm assuming I need my website to be rebuilt with the language this website (KTT2) runs on, and finally ditch WordPress, despite how well it's served me.

    But my concern, mainly, is customizing it myself once it's built. I am a complete novice with any type of coding, and WordPress page builders have been a godsend for me and my creativity. I could not possibly make such drastic visual changes with just code, if I had to.

    So, for someone like me, is a website like that even realistic? Are there alternatives besides WordPress that I would be able to handle myself once the designer/developer is done? How much would a complete, but not too intensive website cost me? Do you know someone who could do it?

    Thanks a lot fam

  • Sep 8, 2020

    Try webflow or bootstrap studio. I am a very busy guy otherwise I’d offer to build it for you

  • Sep 8, 2020

    Op making KTT3?

  • Banana 🍌
    Sep 8, 2020

    Interested. I'm looking into ditching WordPress too but POS integration works really well and I'm scared of f***ing that up.

  • Sep 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m building a website right now and am using Ghost as a CMS try looking into that. Very nice and very flexible easy to develop for and faster and more secure than wordpress. I hate wordpress it’s ass

  • Jason

    I'm assuming I need my website to be rebuilt with the language this website (KTT2) runs on, and finally ditch WordPress, despite how well it's served me.

    But my concern, mainly, is customizing it myself once it's built. I am a complete novice with any type of coding, and WordPress page builders have been a godsend for me and my creativity. I could not possibly make such drastic visual changes with just code, if I had to.

    So, for someone like me, is a website like that even realistic? Are there alternatives besides WordPress that I would be able to handle myself once the designer/developer is done? How much would a complete, but not too intensive website cost me? Do you know someone who could do it?

    Thanks a lot fam

    What is the website for? Pretty sure ktt2 is built with React. If you're just showcasing work, you could just sign up for squarespace tbh

  • Sep 8, 2020


  • Sep 8, 2020

    In how KTT2 is built, I cannot think of a user-friendly alternative in the same vein as WordPress, that's the drawback for how intuitive it is and especially not a system where you can easily customize it without any coding experience. There's a reason why a site like KTT2 is built from the ground up rather than using a online template.

    It's hard to gauge a price because it depends heavily on the scope of the project and whom you ask. There's a clear difference between a simple static website and a whole forum with dynamic data. So it really depends on your vision, are we talking a full fledged system or?

  • Sep 8, 2020

    @Smacki @companyofwolves the website is for my marketing company. It will mainly be for showing my work and explaining what we do and blog posts of sorts. But I'm hell bent on having something that looks and works nicely, and it's been taking me ages to figure out what that looks like. I'm not the most experienced with this which is actually why I'm trying to move my company away from s*** like this lol

  • Sep 8, 2020

    @jason Alright I'm unsure about the creative aspect of it, again it depends largely on the context. Like for example, it's easy enough to get someone to make a custom-designed website from the ground up that pulls data from a database, Wordpress or whatever and easily spits it out in templates that they made.

    So you could have a website where you write posts or add products on WordPress and they get 'pulled' onto your customized website into the layout however, you cannot manually add something big yourself without the experience or drastically change the look of the page without getting them involved again.

    Prices varies a lot but you can perhaps find a cheap freelancer or a new educated/self taught with a good portfolio, also schools and students sometimes look for companies for projects where they do it all for free.

  • Tadow 🥀
    Sep 8, 2020

    Honestly I think any modern CMS will get the job done for you. It'll boil down to finding the right one for your business needs.

    You could obviously find someone to build you something from the ground up, but that would require you to pay them for the initial build & upkeep.

  • Sep 9, 2020

    Take a udemy course on react mongodb node.js stack.

  • 0 👀
    Sep 9, 2020
    1 reply

    wordpress is 2008 boomer tech

    just make a static site with html and css (bootstrap)

    and then use netlify to host it for free


    here u go click a theme u like and get started

  • Sep 9, 2020

    wordpress is 2008 boomer tech

    just make a static site with html and css (bootstrap)

    and then use netlify to host it for free


    here u go click a theme u like and get started

    I'm sorry if this response sounds stupid but I'm not totally sure of certain terminologies..

    So some of these themes work with something like React, if I decided I liked React the most?

    The main concern, besides appearance, is how smooth and fluid the site feels. And it looks to me as if React is a very smooth language, but perhaps that just depends on the programming you put into it

    If I used a theme from that site, I would presumably be using an "all-in-one" theme to make up for my coding inexperience. With WordPress, I know those themes tend to be sluggish. Would that still be the case on a purely HTML/CSS/React site or whatever?

    Thanks a lot