  • What is it THE BRAIDS?!?

  • I hope Drake does a parody using s***ty voices like Kendrick and jazz music

  • May 2
    4 replies

  • Kween

  • Kween

    F*** man I’m crying laughing watching this 😂😂 how did he not see this coming

  • O7OXO

    Oh so this is where y’all been hiding

  • thegreatdivine

    Azealia Banks is now posting on Twitter. It's a whole thread lmao.

    meek catching random strays all year ☠️🤣

  • If it doesn’t come tonight then a mid-day Saturday release would hit… Just like when Push-Ups leaked

    Hopefully it’s on DSPs immediately tho

  • thegreatdivine

    Rare Complex W

    paid by drake!

  • thegreatdivine

    That's a reach.

    One would hope.

  • thegreatdivine

    Rare Complex W


  • May 2
    2 replies

    Rare Complex W

    lol this is the general sentiment that seems to be setting in with people who don’t have dog in the fight. It’s a decent track but it’s definitely not as crazy as Kendrick glazers and Drake haters are hyping it up to be.

  • ChamPac

    lol this is the general sentiment that seems to be setting in with people who don’t have dog in the fight. It’s a decent track but it’s definitely not as crazy as Kendrick glazers and Drake haters are hyping it up to be.

    It’s really not lol.

  • Kween

    Ay yo wtf did she just say what i think she said

  • May 2
    2 replies

    For the “it’s not cus he’s biracial” crowd, the argument I’m seeing is “he wears his blackness as a costume”

    What does this mean?

  • Wait people are really thinking you can’t respond to this?

    What happened to the game I love…

  • May 2
    2 replies
    Skateboard J

    For the “it’s not cus he’s biracial” crowd, the argument I’m seeing is “he wears his blackness as a costume”

    What does this mean?

    He's an actor

  • Skateboard J

    For the “it’s not cus he’s biracial” crowd, the argument I’m seeing is “he wears his blackness as a costume”

    What does this mean?

    People are dumb af

  • May 2
    1 reply

    Getting under Kendra stans skins is soo easy

  • WINTER 🌨️
    May 2
    2 replies

    He's an actor

    why do you have my avi...


    why do you have my avi...

  • ChamPac

    lol this is the general sentiment that seems to be setting in with people who don’t have dog in the fight. It’s a decent track but it’s definitely not as crazy as Kendrick glazers and Drake haters are hyping it up to be.

    As a song it's pretty mid. As a diss it's worse than push-ups. It has a few quotables but they really not as strong as the ones in push-ups. The Osteen bar being wrong is the most glazing I've ever seen for any artist ever.

    The kendrick stans should start a new category in the Olympics for all these mental gymnastics they're doing, they'd go gold for once.

  • May 2
    4 replies

    alright, just did a handstand and played the song backwards like k-thots instructed and still isn't hitting - does anybody have other listening guides? please share