  • It’s okay to call the police if you get robbed. It’s okay to call the police if you get assaulted. It’s okay to press charges against someone who tried to kill you. It’s okay to press charges if you get sexually assaulted. It’s okay to call HR on someone if they do you wrong.

    You’re not in the streets, don’t let street culture dictate your mindset. Call the police on your enemies any justifiable chance you get

  • May 2
    1 reply


  • thats not snitching thats reporting

  • May 2
    1 reply

    and ill report every last one of you

  • That’s not really snitching though. Nobody likes a tattle tell though those kids were never liked or popular for a reason.

  • Cops have only made situations worse for me lmao I’m good

  • Is anyone familiar with neoliberal Elmo

  • May 2
    2 replies

    saying I dont snitch got me dismissed from jury duty

  • Just be prepared to move

  • May 2
    2 replies

    This is true

    The whole point of no snitching is 2 things:

    1. Either you are in that life, s*** you signed up for
    2. You don’t want the cops involved because you want your get back

    If neither of those things apply, you can’t really be a snitch

    You can be the Karen type though like calling on people who do non-harmful crimes and s***, then you should just mind your own business

    Most people about that life will tell you the same thing. If you are a civilian, you can’t be a snitch. You are just doing your civilian duty

  • your not built for these ktt streets lil bro 🤫🫣

  • hot pancakes

    This is true

    The whole point of no snitching is 2 things:

    1. Either you are in that life, s*** you signed up for
    2. You don’t want the cops involved because you want your get back

    If neither of those things apply, you can’t really be a snitch

    You can be the Karen type though like calling on people who do non-harmful crimes and s***, then you should just mind your own business

    Most people about that life will tell you the same thing. If you are a civilian, you can’t be a snitch. You are just doing your civilian duty


  • niggas who actually feel the need to not "snitch"

  • try explaining this to children loool

  • Handle things at the lowest level possible like an adult. Stop abusing reporting unless it’s absolutely necessary.

  • hot pancakes

    This is true

    The whole point of no snitching is 2 things:

    1. Either you are in that life, s*** you signed up for
    2. You don’t want the cops involved because you want your get back

    If neither of those things apply, you can’t really be a snitch

    You can be the Karen type though like calling on people who do non-harmful crimes and s***, then you should just mind your own business

    Most people about that life will tell you the same thing. If you are a civilian, you can’t be a snitch. You are just doing your civilian duty

    good perspective

  • 🐀

  • weirdo cop lover thread by a self-proclaimed loser

  • May 2
    2 replies

    What is the context of this? I don’t think normal people feel any sort of guilt by calling the police if something happens to them

  • Misfit

    saying I dont snitch got me dismissed from jury duty

    Stood on business ten toes down they knew better

  • May 2

    What is the context of this? I don’t think normal people feel any sort of guilt by calling the police if something happens to them

    What i was thinking lmao

  • RASIE 🦦
    May 2

    What is the context of this? I don’t think normal people feel any sort of guilt by calling the police if something happens to them

    The context is people who open their Screen Time in settings and have a daily average of 12+ hours