"hey babe you were tossing and turning in your sleep, is everything alright"
mosin nagant blares in the foreground
if I was aware of it, I would probably fall on my own sword and wake up was quickly as possible. does that work? or do you have to fight?
Eventually I'll experience it enough times to know how to stop it from even starting, and then eventually be able to to do THAT enough times until it just becomes an effortless thing that I can do first thing in the morning without a second thought...
@op this doesnt work because i'd never be able to use the money cause i'm in a time loop. Does it have to be literal, or can i just have like ptsd nightmares? cause i'd do it for that
$100 billion but you would shut the f*** up?
op playing the long game
being insufferable until one day someone gives them a large sum of money to stop posting
s*** smart lowkey