to the Godless heathen Kanye stans begging for his Christian run to be over
No more H**** Ye
No more H**** Ye
we had 15 years of dirty s***joke Ye its grown man vibes only going forward
Just got a call.
@op update title w the new info
KTT user 666 has given 10th kanye weast solo album release date!!!!
I can’t believe it, we finally made it…
Tonight, loyal patrons of the Kanye West 10th Solo Album thread?
Tonight, loyal patrons of the Kanye West 10th Solo Album thread?
You know that the hard work you do for the Lord is not pointless 🙏
he name dropped her in cddf
also was in the power video
might be something to this tbh
Crazy it‘s really happening tonight.
Am I dreaming?
You see this btw?
smells like cap
insane how hard the og xtcy verse is
hot take but i love the released version more