We heating up? 🤔
Oh s***
My d*** out
kanye the only person i become more inspired by every year
most of the time it's like you peak being a fan of someone and then it's a slow decline but kanye is only person who i become a bigger fan of every year
kanye the only person i become more inspired by every year
most of the time it's like you peak being a fan of someone and then it's a slow decline but kanye is only person who i become a bigger fan of every year
maga hats and mental breakdowns
maga hats and mental breakdowns
Even if you hate trump it’s pretty easy to see the maga hat thing as inspiring especially after SNL
Mental breakdowns a cheap shot Ye always been like that according to everything I know
kanye the only person i become more inspired by every year
most of the time it's like you peak being a fan of someone and then it's a slow decline but kanye is only person who i become a bigger fan of every year
Ever since “the shows over” and he ran away, I started to look back and realize that Ye, maybe subconsciously but probably not mirrors MJ in every single way, then just went further, I got so many examples at this point of now he’s been following michaels arch, let’s call Dangerous MBDTF and call History Yeezus
Ever since “the shows over” and he ran away, I started to look back and realize that Ye, maybe subconsciously but probably not mirrors MJ in every single way, then just went further, I got so many examples at this point of now he’s been following michaels arch, let’s call Dangerous MBDTF and call History Yeezus
make a thread about it
make a thread about it
With the way you’re limited I feel like it wouldn’t get enough of a response to be worth use my one thread every two days
Or whatever it is
make a thread about it
But just another example , History starts off with Scream as the intro.
Heavy synths from the start,that in the video with Michael screaming to the noise of those frequencies shows that they were meant to be offputting(like on sight only Ye just did it way less subtle)
All the topic matter besides a few strong songs became Michael fighting for the celebrity and not the people as much, same thing Ye was accused of Yeezus/early Pablo/waves era
Also I mentioned it before and I know it was because of rumors that Janet was Michael in disguise or born a man, but that shot of Janet standing up at a toilet like she got a d*** is 100% Yeezus-Pablo imagery
where kanye album