Here is a video of the mother of the victim confronting the mother of one of the boys. Allegedly the town is trying to cover this up but this woman is fighting for justice
This is the Tiktok trend
Using lyrics from this Young Thug song
Poor kid smh
Weird ass lil niggas
tiktok should be banned, its clearly a cancer on young minds and a lot of kids obsessively using it rn are gonna be stunted adults
People blaming tiktok like mfs didn’t start being on some weirdo s*** until tiktok came around.
what the f*** is going on with this new generation man
It's so cliche to say but it's really true. They are so far gone and out of touch it's crazy
People blaming tiktok like mfs didn’t start being on some weirdo s*** until tiktok came around.
nobody was raping people based on the hottest social media trend before tik tok either tho
tiktok should be banned, its clearly a cancer on young minds and a lot of kids obsessively using it rn are gonna be stunted adults
They said the same about vine.
Y’all really think this type of behavior is new? There’s been weirdos since the beginning of time. People have been acting weird on the internet for decades. Stop blaming tiktok and get to the actual source of the problem.
People blaming tiktok like mfs didn’t start being on some weirdo s*** until tiktok came around.
When I was in Jr high dudes was setting themselves on fire as a challenge.
Boiling water challenge too
I used to see these on Facebook
nobody was raping people based on the hottest social media trend before tik tok either tho
“Trend” this is more than likely an isolated incident.
“Trend” this is more than likely an isolated incident.
I agree but I think new kids are too desensitized to s*** like this as a joke and think it’s something funny to do akin to a prank
When I was in Jr high dudes was setting themselves on fire as a challenge.
Boiling water challenge too
I used to see these on Facebook
thats wild asl. Them niggas ain’t care about life at all.