I really gotta question the parenting here, why was a gun able to be obtained inside the home instead of being locked securely?
The kid was clearly in a worsening state of depression and they link his internet/phone usage with the decline in his social activities and grades dropping. No attempt to limit that?
Feels like a bit of a coping mechanism to put all fault on the bot when his parents needed to step in a lot sooner to get him the help he needed
Yeah this is how I felt from the story. No reasonable parent would let their kid continuously talk to an AI chat bot like this without intervention or help.
Just did a quick googles trying to find moms ig of course and all I see is her doing morning talk shows where they just advertise psychiatric services and literally no real discussion on ai or its consequences, so why is this guy trying to get me muted when no one is or will ever take this stuff seriously even his own mom ?
Why do you expect his mom to be an AI expert this quickly?
People are trying too hard to use this story to force an anti-ai argument. A mentally ill kid with depression who had open access to a handgun seems like a bigger factor in the story
Distasteful to generate a meme, like just putting in your 2 cents on the situation is enough. Literally no reason to quickly make a meme and call the deceased kid a “sadboy”
Distasteful to generate a meme, like just putting in your 2 cents on the situation is enough. Literally no reason to quickly make a meme and call the deceased kid a “sadboy”
His mother has already told the entire world he’s fapping to programmers code and is a loser but somehow I’m wrong for using sadboy? Ktt is so f***ing weird
You were already on block ( idk why I guess i thought you were boring )took you off real quick to call you a gigantic p**** loser , ok f*** off now mate
Bro gets such little p**** he’s googling the mother of dead children
And yet he’s calling people losers
His mother has already told the entire world he’s fapping to programmers code and is a loser but somehow I’m wrong for using sadboy? Ktt is so f***ing weird
so even if shes handling it a lil wrong you feel you have a right to do that lmao. nah youre the f***ing weird one lol
Really fascinating I downloaded the app
She doesnt have a case because the app is age locked ( attempted to make an account at certain age)
As well as his access to stepdads gun
The AI said come home but is against killing himself
While I understand your point this is in poor poor taste
desensitizing people on serious topics with memes makes it a punchline when no matter what a child died
You niggas will not see heaven
I have sinned against thee
And walked in the paths of iniquity.
in Thy great mercy, forgive my trespasses,
grant me Thy forgiveness.
Just did a quick googles trying to find moms ig of course and all I see is her doing morning talk shows where they just advertise psychiatric services and literally no real discussion on ai or its consequences, so why is this guy trying to get me muted when no one is or will ever take this stuff seriously even his own mom ?
new weirdest ktt user just dropped
There is a actually a clear correlation between excessive screen time in childhood and a decline in cognitive development. It baffles me how some adults choose to have children yet fail to put in the necessary effort to raise them properly. 'Oh, he's being loud and annoying again? Hand him the iPad!' No, mf - raising another human being is the hardest job you'll ever have, so you'd better be ready to put in the work. If not, don't have children. You'll be doing them a disservice.
I wonder how bad I am cooked from screen time
20 Mfers in p*** debt v 1
the fact you keep bringing up p*** isn't helping your case.
if anything it makes you seem like you watch too much of it.
What a disgusting collective of individuals this thread has produced. Blow up the internet
NCLB generation raising kids now we gonna see more of this type of s*** cause I bet a million dollars they was the type that “let the internet raise their kids” and let them have a tablet since an infant.
I have the parents in my prayers but I’m 100% positive they are going back through the red flags of where they went wrong raising this nigga.
Nclb generation?
NCLB generation raising kids now we gonna see more of this type of s*** cause I bet a million dollars they was the type that “let the internet raise their kids” and let them have a tablet since an infant.
I have the parents in my prayers but I’m 100% positive they are going back through the red flags of where they went wrong raising this nigga.
And not gonna cap didn't know exactly if it this gen only, but I've noticed these younger generations, be very diff, very stubborn and opinionated, also less respectful towards adults, also a sense of entitlement and alot of inner competition which creates envy due to social media, like the abundance creates conflict within themselves