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  • Dec 6, 2019

    Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez, a 16-year-old Guatemalan migrant, was seriously ill when immigration agents put him in a small South Texas holding cell with another sick boy on the afternoon of May 19.
    A few hours earlier, a nurse practitioner at the Border Patrol’s dangerously overcrowded processing center in McAllen had diagnosed him with the flu and measured his fever at 103 degrees. She said that he should be checked again in two hours and taken to the emergency room if his condition worsened.

    None of that happened. Worried that Carlos might infect other migrants in the teeming McAllen facility, officials moved him to a cell for quarantine at a Border Patrol station in nearby Weslaco.

    By the next morning, he was dead.

    In a press release that day, Customs and Border Protection’s acting commissioner at the time, John Sanders, called Carlos’ death a “tragic loss.” The agency said that an agent had found Carlos “unresponsive” after checking in on him. Sanders said the Border Patrol was “committed to the health, safety and humane treatment of those in our custody.”

    But the record shows that the Border Patrol fell far short of that standard with Carlos. ProPublica has obtained video that documents the 16-year-old’s last hours, and it shows that Border Patrol agents and health care workers at the Weslaco holding facility missed increasingly obvious signs that his condition was perilous.

    The cellblock video shows Carlos writhing for at least 25 minutes on the floor and a concrete bench. It shows him staggering to the toilet and collapsing on the floor, where he remained in the same position for the next four and a half hours.

    According to a “subject activity log” maintained by the Border Patrol throughout Carlos’ custody, an agent checked on him three times during the early morning hours in which he slipped from unconsciousness to death, but reported nothing alarming about the boy.

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    YALL the real devils and cancer of this world smh

  • Dec 6, 2019
    8 replies

    U think we give a damn about this? Cuz we dont

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    U think we give a damn about this? Cuz we dont

    Just tryna see what you white boys say

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    that’s crazy, for real I’ve never gotten the flu shot in my life but seeing lots of people dying lately to that s*** makes me wanna take my ass to Walmart and get that s*** already

  • Dec 6, 2019
    2 replies

    That is sad

  • Dec 6, 2019
    4 replies
    Troy Ave Stan

    Just tryna see what you white boys say

    Illeagal Messicans hurt the black community too bruh look around u && not at this propaganda

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Just FYI

  • rvi 🐸
    Dec 6, 2019
  • Dec 6, 2019

    @realDonaldTrump look at this emotional propaganda lmfao like ppl dont die every day

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    Nigga mad for no reason

  • Dec 6, 2019
    2 replies

    Illeagal Messicans hurt the black community too bruh look around u && not at this propaganda

    Propaganda? It doesn’t matter what race is being discussed. A 16 year old MINOR died in custody of public servants. Why tf is that not alone for outcry and a demand for change

  • Dec 6, 2019


  • Dec 6, 2019
    7 replies

    Propaganda? It doesn’t matter what race is being discussed. A 16 year old MINOR died in custody of public servants. Why tf is that not alone for outcry and a demand for change

    Cuz the answer lies in mexico taking accountability of their people/goverment && not letting them run to another country illegally to seek salvation

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    u cant expect ktt 2 have any sympathy 4 these kind of situations man , they dnt get it

    f*** ice

  • Dec 6, 2019
    5 replies

    Propaganda? It doesn’t matter what race is being discussed. A 16 year old MINOR died in custody of public servants. Why tf is that not alone for outcry and a demand for change

    Are they public servants to someone who isn’t a citizen of that country though? Genuine question

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply
    Troy Ave Stan

    Nigga mad for no reason

    F*** wrong with him

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Cuz the answer lies in mexico taking accountability of their people/goverment && not letting them run to another country illegally to seek salvation

    The answer lies in ending the American demand for d**** and the supply of American guns going south, you’re eating up all the American news propaganda like they want you to

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply
    First Take

    Are they public servants to someone who isn’t a citizen of that country though? Genuine question

    It doesn’t matter. They represent the US government so essentially the US is committing crimes against foreign nationals

  • rvi 🐸
    Dec 6, 2019

    Cuz the answer lies in mexico taking accountability of their people/goverment && not letting them run to another country illegally to seek salvation

    ur a dum dum

  • Dec 6, 2019

    F*** wrong with him

    Made a thread to see what people gotta say and nigga comes in fuming

    Shouldn’t I be the one fuming?

  • Dec 6, 2019

    It doesn’t matter. They represent the US government so essentially the US is committing crimes against foreign nationals

    Everything been off the table since Texas executed that one Mexican nigga who raped them girls even tho the government was telling the state to extradite him

  • Dec 6, 2019
    3 replies

    All these excuses, just fix the country. Yall just allow everything thru the border both good and bad. Might as well cancell america && open the borders. Theres barely any coverage on homeless youth dying on the street. None of this really matters because it dosent cause anybody to do anything about it. Yall just wanna feel some type of way

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    Cuz the answer lies in mexico taking accountability of their people/goverment && not letting them run to another country illegally to seek salvation

    hey word of advice

    shut the f*** up

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