French’s music is basically the culmination of the best qualities from all 3 anyway
none of the supposed big 3 can drop "Famous"
French’s music is basically the culmination of the best qualities from all 3 anyway
french is better than all 3 tbf
What’s the difference between music for the heart and the soul?
Religion/purpose (soul) vs. Relationships/romance (heart)
Reminds me of the Drake tour I went to back in the day where ASAP Rocky and Kendrick opened for him. Good times.
1 day left, never been this sure about something happening
So ur willing to accept a perma ban if it doesnt happen?
So ur willing to accept a perma ban if it doesnt happen?
Yes! Can we renegotiate to just removing thread privileges lol?
If Drake, Cole, Kendrick and Tyler got one a track together it would automatically be better than Swagga Like Us + Forever
i’m glad we’ve reached the era where tyler is comfortable apart of this convo man lol
i’m glad we’ve reached the era where tyler is comfortable apart of this convo man lol
idc about the big 3 anymore
i got a big 2 and its tyler and kendrick
If Drake, Cole, Kendrick and Tyler got one a track together it would automatically be better than Swagga Like Us + Forever
He made a whole album rejecting the culture
lmao fr kendrick aint rocking with the culture rn
Finally, the heart, the soul and the mind combined
New Dragonballs character incoming
Finally the ultimate lifeform
Basically a bulkier Hispanic j cole
Finally the ultimate lifeform
Latin Kingz J Cole