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France f***ed over damn near a whole continent for generations of course its gonna be f*** France now and forever
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its f*** france til forever and eternity fam
Just so you know - literally NO Muslims condone this s***.
Mentally deranged & unhinged individuals who’ve had horrible social upbringings give us a bad name.
Just do the math. There are 2B of us. If we were as the media portrays us, every 6th person you see would be trying to kill you.
What part did you not get??
The terror attacks were not because Charlie Hebdo 5 years later
The terror attacks were not because Charlie Hebdo 5 years later
Nah bro you living under a rock fr. Also while I have your attention f*** abrahamic religions and f*** imperialism
The terror attacks were not because Charlie Hebdo 5 years later
it kinda was
„Yeah f*** this country. Lets behead individual people who got nothing to do with it.“
You guys are cancerous
F*** you, trying to diss me by posting my thread but have never spoken to me before. Explain to me how I'm wrong. Also explain how I hate Muslims for condemning TERRORISTS. I can say the same s*** about Christians if that makes you feel any better considering everybody in this thread is trying to paint me as being anti Muslim for some reason, when it's a f***ing lie.
The terror attacks were not because Charlie Hebdo 5 years later
thats how this mess began
Just so you know - literally NO Muslims condone this s***.
Mentally deranged & unhinged individuals who’ve had horrible social upbringings give us a bad name.
Just do the math. There are 2B of us. If we were as the media portrays us, every 6th person you see would be trying to kill you.
Media loves chaos and propaganda
thats how this mess began
2015 there were terrorist attacks all over Europe. Brüssel, Berlin etc. it never was about the Charlie Hebdo drawing.
2015 there were terrorist attacks all over Europe. Brüssel, Berlin etc. it never was about the Charlie Hebdo drawing.
a teacher showed the charlie hebdo drawings in class and got beheaded for it
macron decided to "defend freedom of speech" by showing the drawings in public places and that caused the attack today
two weeks ago they wanted to put a rapper in jail for what he was saying tho
Nah bro it's always sad to see innocent people get beheaded lmao. Regardless of a nations actions. Plus, one of the victims is an African herself.
F*** you, trying to diss me by posting my thread but have never spoken to me before. Explain to me how I'm wrong. Also explain how I hate Muslims for condemning TERRORISTS. I can say the same s*** about Christians if that makes you feel any better considering everybody in this thread is trying to paint me as being anti Muslim for some reason, when it's a f***ing lie.
France should double down on showing depictions of Muhammad and weed all these crazies out.
so you can say this, but when you thought I was anti Muslim there was a problem with what I said all wrong is wrong
a teacher showed the charlie hebdo drawings in class and got beheaded for it
macron decided to "defend freedom of speech" by showing the drawings in public places and that caused the attack today
I know but pointing towards the sketch and saying this is the sole reason for the terrorist attacks is painfully ignorant.
Don't think this excuse the decapitation of three poor women... This not it sorry
France should double down on showing depictions of Muhammad and weed all these crazies out.
This would only harm both Muslims and the French people
2015 there were terrorist attacks all over Europe. Brüssel, Berlin etc. it never was about the Charlie Hebdo drawing.
These terroristic acts are almost never about religious beliefs, in these cases its used as a motive to raise fear of islam for example in people. They're called terrorists for a reason. If not theyre fanatics that exist in every religion. I dont think any muslim would just go around killing people cause of some drawings, and the only muslim country that complained about it was turkey cause erdogan has beef with France