i thought he was talking about the club paradise tour
Yea he was but it’s still funny to me bc he did take an r&b dude on the road later
The owner of the Chinese joint won
I just don’t like how Drake is playing the whole “20v1” angle for this entire beef when it was 95% between him and Kendrick lol
How about a bar that aged like s*** the moment it came out: Drake shouting out Chris Brown and accusing Kendrick of abusing women on the same song
The owner of the Chinese joint won
Actually the only wholesome part of this whole story
Drake put his foot in his mouth twice in a row from Pusha & Kendrick & I bet the stupid nigga stull didnt learn any lesson from it
The grammy s*** especially dont make no sense because Drake was LITERALLY crying in CLB about getting "snubbed" by a female jazz artist in 2010 over the grammy for best new artist of the year
He was/is STILL mad af and even name dropped her like a weirdo and was foul as hell to her for no rrason a decade plus out of nowhere
This nigga does want a grammy so bad, while Kendrick doesnt care either way and still gets it effortlessly
This beef really showed how much of a dumbass nigga Drake is & how much of a scourn weirdo hes always been
sandwiche in hot car is yummey tho
Food poisoning waiting to happen
Drake put his foot in his mouth twice in a row from Pusha & Kendrick & I bet the stupid nigga stull didnt learn any lesson from it
That’s why I thought him pushing out the disses so fast and back to back made me feel like he had something ready for Kendrick and that was just not the case. Idk how he didn’t learn from the Push s*** smh
Drake never said he planted info on him being a pedo, Kendrick fans are idiots
Food poisoning waiting to happen
half the stuff I say on here makes no sense