Ok watched the video she still looks hella good for her age and what she is wearing. No chick is gonna stand out with a t shirt and jeans and big sunglasses. If you actually pay attention she still has a nice body underneath.
This is how most hot girls are. The way they dress pretty much determines how sexy they look. If you're just walking by you wouldn't think anything about her but if you actually spent 15 seconds to check her out even with the clothes she is wearing you will realize that she's hot AF.
Edit: and confirmed it by looking at her recent Instagram pics. I would hit that all day all night.
This post long af for the topic lol
Theirs an open schedule for p*** releases?
What are the billboard numbers though?
Forget the fact I’ve seen her back get blown out before, it looks like she’s selling something that alone would make me keep walking
The entirety of her skin is lined with Botox & microplastics fam
She’s already looking like aged leather
What u think 51 years old look like
This post long af for the topic lol
I spent countless of hours nutting to her in my life lmao so I'm invested
Dam they disrespectful af
I released so many kids to her yo
Crine I noticed i have a friend who follows her on IG he a demon fr
Just noticed I know a nigga who follows her on two accounts
wish I would have saw her when she was escorting
she looks pretty average now.
s***work in general just ruins you. So many high end escorts I've seen on serious medication. I mean pills everywhere on the counter. Sucks but hey that's the life you chose to live.
Mid white woman whose social value was inflated because her P**** was being bludgeon online realizes that the average person doesn’t care about nothing she has to say if she isn’t providing them pleasure.
lisa ann started her career in the year 27 B.O.F (before only fans) and looks nothing like she did her prime so of course no one would recognize her. only ones that would recognize her are the ones that go to p*** star conventions which means they ain't outside walking around a park they are in their goon cave gooning all day.