My least favorites on this project were always "Hello" followed by "Wet Dreamz", not cause I found it "cringe" or anything. Just thought it was a pretty whack song compared to the other hard s*** on the album. Funny enough, the other biggest song is probably my 3rd least favorite. But that might be more due to it being overplayed over the years. "No Role Modelz" bangs at the right time for me.
Favorite tracks were "Love Yourz" (one of his best ever), "January 28th" and "'03 Adolescence." HIP HOP
I gotta get around to the bonus tracks eventually.
Everyone loves wet dreamz which is why I be confused seeing how people on here act like it's the worst thing ever lol
the beat and hook is cool, but im not tryna to listen to a song about you losing your virginity
the beat and hook is cool, but im not tryna to listen to a song about you losing your virginity
Eh I don't really feel like the song is cringe to the point where it's unlistenable.
It's a pretty innocent topic that is universally relatable that doesn't take itself all that seriously. It's very early kanye like.
album aged badly for me idk if I wanna spin this
Yeah kinda weird
Never play it anymore
Home Soon and Die Together are top tier Cole imo.
The blue version songs clear the white version songs for me.
Yeah, these new bonus tracks are really good. It's crazy that Cole kept these in the vault, completely unheard, for the last decade. And their all high quality album material too, not just some lazy leftovers that don't deserve to see the light of day.
FHD was already a really good album as it was, but adding some of these bonus tracks on it would've made it amazing.
Miles is really cool
Keep Heaven my fav for the moment
The songs are good but apart from a few favourites I don't think I'll listen to them again.
3rd slide here shows the credits for the purple cover
Been trying to find the others. Miles is Dahi, not sure if any co-production. The other 3 are most likely just Cole
album aged badly for me idk if I wanna spin this
Lowkey this and KOD might be his worst projects in terms of how it aged. I chalk this up to it being more of concept albums. Replay value is generally low for concept album similar to like a to pimp a butterfly. Sideline stories aged so good compared to these.
Lowkey this and KOD might be his worst projects in terms of how it aged. I chalk this up to it being more of concept albums. Replay value is generally low for concept album similar to like a to pimp a butterfly. Sideline stories aged so good compared to these.
Don’t agree. Also 4YEO is way more of a concept album than either of those
album aged badly for me idk if I wanna spin this
I kind of agree. I maintain that 4YEO is Cole’s best album (I have FNL above it) but people always trash it as a TPAB imitation and s*** on folding clothes like they do wet dreamz as “cringe”
If you think foldin clothes is trash you’ve never been in love w a girl to the point you’ll do corny stuff just to make her smile/happy
FWTBT is his best intro as well, just raw emotion
album aged badly for me idk if I wanna spin this
Feel the same. 2nd half of FHD is midski
Lowkey this and KOD might be his worst projects in terms of how it aged. I chalk this up to it being more of concept albums. Replay value is generally low for concept album similar to like a to pimp a butterfly. Sideline stories aged so good compared to these.
Sideline Story aged amazingly. The highs on it are that good