Ehh I just copped a MacBook Pro 13in (2015) on eBay for $560.
Sniped the price . Have it now and it works wonderfully. Basically like new, from the previous owner he had Apple replaced the lcd screen and it has a new battery .
Ehh I just copped a MacBook Pro 13in (2015) on eBay for $560.
Sniped the price . Have it now and it works wonderfully. Basically like new, from the previous owner he had Apple replaced the lcd screen and it has a new battery .
Whew thats a steal, how many gigs ram?
Whew thats a steal, how many gigs ram?
Pretty much all I need for coding and my photography editing
it's an okay deal
would be good for video editing tbh
as someone that does video editing weekly I'd rather use something bigger though like a 27 inch to edit on