literally just came here to post this
in terms of some songs of his i'd recommend:
!!!! havent listened to it as much myself but i know Armand Hammer w/ Elucid (which has gotten a lot of praises on here especially Haram & Paraffin) is a lot more overtly political rather than his solo work which is a bit more subtle and abstract
oh nahhhhhhhhh I've been sleeping for farrrr too long
replies to the Taliban twitter accounts are f***ing WILD
all of breadtube so embarrassing its absurd how big of followings these people have
Wow i knew aimee was bad didnt know she became that bad
Wow i knew aimee was bad didnt know she became that bad
Aimee didn't used to be that bad. Back when she was using alt accounts after her first account was suspended originally, she occasionally made pretty decent cynical a***yses on people who put on the mask of left-aligned politics while really endorsing liberal establishments, and had pretty interesting contrarian takes on marxism.
Somewhere along the way she went absolutely batshit insane and became histrionic and obsessed with picking weird individual personal life fights and sucking off right wing twitter, and she's been in a downward spiral ever since. She doesn't really have any politics anymore except contarianism now, her account is basically in-differentiable from actual """"ironic"""" wignat and hard right types (i.e. Darren Beattie) on the site now. Her account doesn't even make sense half the time anymore because she tries so hard to be contrarian
"theocratic fascist, philanthropist"
like imagine anarchists are going to come into power in afghanistan
just not even rooted in reality
Refuse to let my rib work for anyone else but our family. We're growing our world, not someone else's.
like imagine anarchists are going to come into power in afghanistan
just not even rooted in reality
Some of these anarchists somehow always seem to think that every place on earth is just on the brink of an anarchist revolution lmao
Some of these anarchists somehow always seem to think that every place on earth is just on the brink of an anarchist revolution lmao
i mean .. yeah
like its just totally idealist
like we heard the same thing in the israeli occupation in palestine - you have anarchists saying "NO STATE SOLUTION!" its like
QANON discovers LInux
Wait till they see SLAVE and MASTER, theyll come around then.
Hell nah
The war was NEVER popular outside of 2004. The blame should be on the upper echelon of people who supported this not people who constantly wanted the US out but never got it till the situation only could get worse