I think it's just because of the recall election going on right now. Still I'd like to see actual solutions on how to fix these problems rather than the typical finger pointing. People always fail to mention the good weather in California for homeless people. I'd hate to be homeless in Florida during the summer.
https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1429495589797089290good old Jack with the overt racism
no s***
the liberal and conservative views on the homeless isn’t to fix the problem at its roots, it’s to treat them as “out of sight, out of mind” leaving them to die on the streets like they’re sewer rats and keeping them locked down just for existing there, instead of building shelters and rehab centers, and actually addressing the systemic issues which cause homelessness
also helping the homeless doesn’t carry that much of a profit motive compared to what they’re doing right now, technically it would be much cheaper to fix the homelessness crisis and actually help people, thus creating more jobs and incomes to feed into the economy
this guy is f***ed now. he’s getting subpoenaed
socially acceptable way of expressing genocidal contempt for the working class
oh shut up sam, don't you have some 2015 rationlist panel to speak on about how islam is the biggest threat to the western freedom to make money as a youtuber or some s***
today's news in bad uneducated twitter takes
“It was this administration which saved the system of private profit and free enterprise after it had been dragged to the brink of ruin.” -Roosevelt, 1933
always hated this f*** since
"I think the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans was Hurricane Katrina"
always hated this f*** since
"I think the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans was Hurricane Katrina"
said it in another thread but these types of remarks are just socially acceptable ways of expressing genocidal hatred of the lower class
Bait thread so
original intent was to collect the absolute worst and cringiest takes on the 2020 election. with that passed, it's now for generally bad or cringeworthy political posts and takes. i don't discriminate, i post bad takes from liberals, leftists, republicans, fascists, right wingers, wignats, centrists, libertarians, etc. anyone is free to post any social media takes which are cringeworthy, nonsensical, uneducated, cursed, or otherwise similar