  • Dec 17, 2021
    3 replies
    krishna bound

    Context for Boogie was recently telling people he is native american because his face is so red.

  • Dec 17, 2021
    · edited

    Context for Boogie was recently telling people he is native american because his face is so red.

  • Dec 17, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    Context for Boogie was recently telling people he is native american because his face is so red.

    more like he has liver failure
    thats just racist

  • Dec 17, 2021

    more like he has liver failure
    thats just racist

    Exactly once it finally hit his brain he went back and deleted everything. Pretty sure it’s because of high blood pressure though.

  • Dec 17, 2021
    2 replies


    new ideology just dropped

  • Dec 17, 2021
    krishna bound


    new ideology just dropped

    this flag hard af though

  • Dec 18, 2021
    2 replies

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply
    krishna bound


    new ideology just dropped

    didn't this already exist though?

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    what the f*** am i reading

    is he referring to the certain subset of mildly Trump supporting leftist substack bloggers like Matt Tabibbi and Glenn Greenwald, who basically sell their integrity for a dime?

  • Dec 18, 2021

    there are legitimate Marxist critiques of CRT, but a lot of the stuff i've read has been kinda playing into the conservative narrative but distancing itself by using certain left buzzwords when it gets too sus (just like among us )

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply

    didn't this already exist though?

    black nationalism definitely isnt new by any means but attaching it to actual straight up nazi aesthetics and promoting it in that style and and such is definitely not common. i know in africa there's actual legit political nazi parties in some countries (i know there's a huge one in Somalia of all places) that even use the swastika and stuff. in the US though? definitely not except maybe some trolls on 4chan ,

  • Dec 18, 2021

    what the f*** am i reading

    is he referring to the certain subset of mildly Trump supporting leftist substack bloggers like Matt Tabibbi and Glenn Greenwald, who basically sell their integrity for a dime?

    dont read too much into it, its meaningless word salad from a conservative reactionary who doesnt understand words or definitions

  • Dec 18, 2021

    Context for Boogie was recently telling people he is native american because his face is so red.

    Warren vibes off the charts lmao

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    black nationalism definitely isnt new by any means but attaching it to actual straight up nazi aesthetics and promoting it in that style and and such is definitely not common. i know in africa there's actual legit political nazi parties in some countries (i know there's a huge one in Somalia of all places) that even use the swastika and stuff. in the US though? definitely not except maybe some trolls on 4chan ,

    the infatuation with nazi imagery in SE asia is a really odd thing, it has nothing to do with this topic but I just think its funny

    I have a friend from out there, and he kinda explained it to me as people thinking its funny and edgy, and they don't really have good WW2 education there

  • Dec 18, 2021

    the infatuation with nazi imagery in SE asia is a really odd thing, it has nothing to do with this topic but I just think its funny

    I have a friend from out there, and he kinda explained it to me as people thinking its funny and edgy, and they don't really have good WW2 education there

    yeah i know a lot of asia especially india is WILD with that stuff. its not like an idolization though or anything, it's just that they aren't really taught about in the same way we are. i heard someone say that to them it's basically the same as like how in the west you just get historical figures popping up in cartoons to represent "powerful historical figure during a warring period" like Gengis Khan or something. There's no real emotional or cultural sentiment there to have any other attachment beyond "historical figure"

  • Dec 18, 2021
    krishna bound


    this is like that supercut of dave rubin just making up definitions for words

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply

    and he's back for round 2!

  • Dec 18, 2021
    2 replies


    you do not know whats coming, i promise you

  • Dec 19, 2021
    krishna bound


    you do not know whats coming, i promise you

    Holy s***

  • Dec 19, 2021
    3 replies

    even if you are a super conservative Christian and believe in set womens roles in society, this is absolutely disgusting and vile rhetoric. This is probably in the running for worst thing ever said on his show.

  • Dec 19, 2021
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    and he's back for round 2!

    Can one of y'all who is a lot smarter than me tell me what he is attempting to say?

  • Dec 19, 2021

    Can one of y'all who is a lot smarter than me tell me what he is attempting to say?

    Ehh, he's not really saying anything. I've never heard of social emotional learning before but it sounds like it's just the process of teaching young kids to be aware of their emotions in social settings so they don't have outbursts and are able to stay composed. Somehow he's associating that process with Maoist ideals. I guess he thinks that being aware of your emotions is communism? Or that the way children are taught is communist brain washing? Or maybe he believes people should just act on pure emotional instinct with no second thought?

    He's just throwing words together. It kinda reads like a new version of the "cultural marxist" s*** that was being thrown around a few years ago. Except this dude is focusing on elementary schools instead of college campuses.

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 19, 2021
    krishna bound

    i think this is incredibly stupid but this is a classic case of a lot of the fans of the people in question now being faced with the double-edged sword of the same egregious standard. Of course because of context some words/slurs are worse than others - thinking cracker is an insult is like thinking a palestinian child throwing a rock at an israeli tank is a war crime. But the problem is the platforms which do moderation aren't judiciary courts, they are not and cannot really mediate context on an individual basis per-user unless they give extra-special treatment to some accounts (which they already do more or less). So it's kind of hard for a big site the size of twitch or twitter to just enshrine in site law "well cracker is okay but (list of slurs) is not", so they need to put up a more generalized policy. However, of course, the "private platform" discourse or the wider "content moderation" (proxy for "advertiser friendly") discourse is really what comes up here. There's never going to be a platform which can only represent values (even if they are correct values) perfectly, so the best they can do is put up universal standards derivative of those values (i.e. calling someone a slur is wrong -> raises the question "what is a slur and who determines that"; on a wide industrial level that can't be answered so it needs to be applied broadly).
    They can't measure violations because of size (it's not like KTT where it's such a small and hegemonic site that it's easy to moderate based on context w/o influence), so they have to hold things to universal standards based on the rules, and that leads to "unfair" rulings like this. This reminds me very much of when twitter mass purged left-wing organizing accounts earlier in the year and it was a huge shock beause up until their point it had mainly been weirdos like Gavin McInness or Milo or anonymous right wing accounts getting banned, but they put the same blanket ban reasoning on the left wing accounts as they did the former. There's no solution to this so long as people rely on major homogenized social media sites and also simultaneously expect them to be enforce fair rules.

    Only way saying cracker is like a Palestinian throwing a rock at an Israelian tank would be if the white person was in the process of attacking the black person over racial motive, f*** that

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 19, 2021
    krishna bound

    My brain hurts this man is a golddigging kareno-communist

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 19, 2021
    krishna bound

    Trump 2024 let's goooooo