Two weeks ago Jesus started the Music SXN Census. Over 50 unique users participated. Thank you to everyone who participated I can now sell your data to The Coli.
Identified Gender
Male: 96.2%
Female: 1.9%
One idiot put ''Bisexual''
21 to 24 - 40.7%
19 to 20 - 37%
25 to 28 - 20.4%
29 to 33 - 1.9%
some of you definitely lied
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual - 83.3%
Bisexual - 11.1%
Homosexual, Pansexual, and Other - 1.9%
United States - 74.1%
UK - 5.6%
Canada - 5.6%
Europe - 3.7%
South America, Ireland, and Australia - 1.9%
Other - 5.6%
Black - 37%
White - 37%
Hispanic - 11.1%
Asian - 7.4%
Middle Eastern - 5.6%
Other - 1.9%
Political Affiliation
Liberal - 41.5%
Social Democrat - 11.3%
Communist - 9.4%
Centrist - 9.4%
Socialist - 5.7%
Conservative - 3.8%
Libertarian - 1.9%
Other - 17%
Nonreligious - 49.1%
Christianity - 30.2%
Islam - 7.5%
Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Scientology - 1.9%
Other - 3.8%
How Long Have You Been Apart of KTT?
More than 3 Years - 71.2%
3 Years - 13.5%
2 Years - 5.8%
1 Year - 5.8%
Less than 1 year - 3.8%
Do You Make Music?
No - 48.1%
Yes - 44.4%
Yeah but my s*** trash - 7.4%
What streaming services do you use, if any?
Youtube - 61.1%
Spotify - 59.3%
Soundcloud - 46.3%
Apple Music - 44.4%
Bandcamp - 9.3%
Tidal - 7.4%
Pandora and Google Play - 3.7%
Youtube Music - 1.9%
Other - 7.4%
Favorite Hip Hop album?
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - 15%
Ready to Die - 6%
Good Kid Maad City - 4%
Take Care - 4%
Cilvia Demo - 4%
Barter 6 - 4%
Yeezus - 4%
Favorite non Hip Hop Album?
Blonde - 16%
Channel Orange - 4.2%
Random Access Memories - 4.2%
These are the only albums that had more than a single vote.
Kanye West - 13.3%
Frank Ocean - 8.2%
Drake - 6.1%
Kendrick Lamar - 6.1%
Future - 4.1%
Chief Keef - 4.1%
This was actually even less surprising than I thought it would be.
Basically r/hiphopheads
Basically r/hiphopheads
No way /r/hiphopheads is less than 98% white
No way /r/hiphopheads is less than 98% white
Oh I meant the favorite albums list
For the amount of Thugger stans on, niggas couldn’t even get him top 5. Y’all some fakes
youtube the top streaming service after all of those spotify vs apple music threads....
1 in 50 KTT niggas are girls
Was probably just a troll that answered girl too smh
10,000 users and only 50 participated
Someone do the math
If one out of every 50 KTT users is a girl how many girls are on here in total
Someone do the math
If one out of every 50 KTT users is a girl how many girls are on here in total
Time for you to log off
Time for you to log off
Why? Lmao im just curious
The thought of females using this site is hilarious to me
Why? Lmao im just curious
The thought of females using this site is hilarious to me
How come bro