@DonJulio called for me to get my own Award
I did, then you go and Kanye me during my acceptance speech so f*** it
You're not finished yet, i ain't even bust yet
i need to know who u f***ed in this room
After all of that how many votes did My Night get
actually yeah I gotta know this lol @Morganomics
OP and title has been updated; you can lock it up when you're ready.
We may or may not do an awards thread next year; it was looking grim for NFL fam this year and 2021 might be worse.
Osey wanting to turn on his campaign manager after all I did for him
This why Trevor a jag!
OP and title has been updated; you can lock it up when you're ready.
We may or may not do an awards thread next year; it was looking grim for NFL fam this year and 2021 might be worse.
Yeah idk what's good for next year. I didn't think we could even do the awards this year and I don't see activity picking up much for next season, hopefully I'm wrong
I’d do anything for that MVP @Morganomics ...
You just cost yourself a wonderful Saturday night @Morganomics
Niggas really tried to vote me king casual man I’m sick of generating revenue for you niggas
I been on here as long as Tito and Fly
Peep the difference because them niggas is WASHED 😂🤣🤣
F*** outta here
Tired of you niggas leaching off my persona