It’s crazy synop called val a hick when there are arguably more hicks and rednecks in Florida than Indiana
It’s crazy synop called val a hick when there are arguably more hicks and rednecks in Florida than Indiana
The stats don't lie
whod u sue bro
Only sued one person in my life
Keep posting bucko and it will be 2
The stats don't lie
I only been in Florida for two months but some of these backwood white f***s I’ve seen in public are 100% inbred
Forgot I got lab this morning before doing degentivities last night l, this Finna be a long class man
I only been in Florida for two months but some of these backwood white f***s I’ve seen in public are 100% inbred
see and indy not even like that lmfao
u hardly see flat out cowboy boots camo all that in the cities where its not 95% white or tiny as hell
Found a new bathroom at work and nobody else uses it. I know some ppl might not want to hear that but I can only live my truth. This is good news for me.
Zion looks like one of them niggas that’ll instantly gain 100lbs when he retires
He gained it already playing
Burger King selling Whoppers at 8 am now
You a different breed if you buy a whopper at 8am