KTT's favorite shoe, finally got these in the colorway I've wanted for a while. Currently have the OG white/grey pair but I will be letting them go.
Was my favorite shoe at one point, then got rid of them and never looked back
wearing mine right now hella cozy
unbelivably cozy discovered them from a ig ad. first time something good came out of that s***
I love mnml I got ch jeans from him for a fraction of the price mnml is my favourite designer brand
I love mnml I got ch jeans from him for a fraction of the price mnml is my favourite designer brand
i draw crosses on my h&m jeans, wake up sheeple
Seventh post
I am talking about as it pertains to style and where people shop sir!!
I am talking about as it pertains to style and where people shop sir!!
i will forever judge copping from s*** brands unless you that down then by all means get it how you can
i will forever judge copping from s*** brands unless you that down then by all means get it how you can
Caring about where another man gets clothing from to put on his body
Caring about where another man gets clothing from to put on his body
i hate the brand not the person
most ppl not important enough for that
Caring about where another man gets clothing from to put on his body
having an opinion on clothing in a fashion section on a discussion forum