Someone get this to next page so I don't have to post a $50 ring next to a $1,000 Homer piece
You were bottom page anyways
Girlfriend surprised me with these on my birthday, I feel bad because I'm probably never going to wear these, but I know she's not really into this kind of stuff and it was probably a lot of effort on her part in terms of making an account and remembering to wake up in the morning, refreshing the page a bunch and winning them. This woman really loves me, not a fan of this shoe though.
These my White Cement 4s placeholders.
Finally hopped on the bandwagon. Needed something comfy for my trip to Scotland anyways, so I guess now is as good of a time as ever.
Got a pair for these for chilling, running quick errands, wearing at cottage etc
They are so damn comfy and the sole is actually proper. Like I could walk around all day outside and these okay, the tread is legit. Highly recommend, especially with how cheap they are. I’ve seen slippers at Walmart cost more than this.
Girlfriend surprised me with these on my birthday, I feel bad because I'm probably never going to wear these, but I know she's not really into this kind of stuff and it was probably a lot of effort on her part in terms of making an account and remembering to wake up in the morning, refreshing the page a bunch and winning them. This woman really loves me, not a fan of this shoe though.
These my White Cement 4s placeholders.
Finally hopped on the bandwagon. Needed something comfy for my trip to Scotland anyways, so I guess now is as good of a time as ever.
You must wear them at least a couple times or they will notice
You must wear them at least a couple times or they will notice
I tried but I just can't pull them off, I got no fits for these. Never been a fan of all black sneakers anyways.
I tried but I just can't pull them off, I got no fits for these. Never been a fan of all black sneakers anyways.
Wear running errands
I tried but I just can't pull them off, I got no fits for these. Never been a fan of all black sneakers anyways.
just make them your gym/beaters. that way u wear them multiple times a week and make your gf happy but don’t actually have to wear them out to events