Haggled it down to 53 bucks
I wanted the silver wales bonner sambas so bad but this is a nice consolation prize
$53 a STUPID deal wtf
$53 a STUPID deal wtf
I’m in the Phillipines rn so it was listed for 3000 peso conversion rate finesse
where yall be finding these pieces
Finding good sellers on Grailed and then following them is key, they almost always have an IG account you can buy s*** from for cheaper than Grailed
This was from grailed.app.link/FrCEW9pZ3Db
Picked this up for over half off
And the muskas I was talking about in another comment
nobody asked
Where’s that $20 I loaned you so you could take your girl out to Denny’s. I want it back.
Where’s that $20 I loaned you so you could take your girl out to Denny’s. I want it back.
actually used it for gas money to drive out to your girl's
actually used it for gas money to drive out to your girl's
it’s about time you visited your sister she’s been worried about you
Helmut really is the goat
The marks and Spencer hanger caught me off guard :ychah:
I have the same astro pants on the far left
most of the pants are too small for me sadly ! I'd love to keep the astros but only the beige cargo pocket one fits me