https://twitter.com/TaylorTwellman/status/1683464173164851200@RodneyBiP u got some good shots in there pal
Easy money. @Unity
so gay
they kept the same background but just replaced the bird with the x lmao
everything they've done has seemed so half baked
Margot Rigbie
just saw a tiktok that was so you @okay_yeah
dumb s***head
Easy money. @Unity
You don't gamble
You don't gamble
which is why I @d someone who does u pack mule
which is why I @d someone who does u pack mule
Be a man and open up your wallet instead of your legs for once
confessions thread here? like link a google doc and let ppl anonymously send in questions or private thoughts. i was thinking of giving one other person access to the doc but idk if i really wanna do it or bring it up to a mod because life sxn would probably troll
do it fr that’d be fire
Be a man and open up your wallet instead of your legs for once
I use apply pay it’s 2023
Karlsson pens trade impending @yasiinbey