Dillinham is crazy
He is destroying us
Rob Dillingham is him
We got ref ball in Chicago folks
Kevin the scouts not here for you nigga stop chucking 3s
Get CB brother off my f***in team bro
I’m ready to kill
Lets f***ing go Hunter
KJ there’s a reason you’re f***ing open dude why would you shoot that
Get elmarko off the court bro he can’t play
Ref ball
That lack of experience just kills Kentucky early in the season
UK has gotten up 31 3s holy chit
Kentucky's offense might've modernized a lil
Elmarko can’t play bro
That is legitimately one of the worst foul calls I’ve ever seen
Reeves is out of his cotton picking mind lol
Hunter is incredible lol
These bum ass Kentucky niggas man
Reeves shot Kentucky out of this game
Gg bro. Extremely fun game y’all are gonna be good @Joshua
Early college hoops is a rollercoaster filled with shameless attempts at hero ball.