Last time we played here OG Anunoby destroyed us
This is real midwest basketball man
Why is Elmarko still out there
KJ plays bigger than Hunter really crazy to see
It’s time for a change bill god damn man what are you waiting for
This team is so bad man
Indiana bench might be even worse than ours
Nick Timberlake is a piece is s***
I have not seen Nick Timberlake hit a single wide open three this entire season it’s almost conference play
Yeah this team is cooked we can’t score the ball at all
F*** you Nick Timberlake
I told yall styles make fights
College hoops uses the roundball rock theme but the nba doesn’t
I hate this team
Zero shooting
And the nigga who was supposed to be our shooter is a fraudulent f***ing cr*cker
Guy hasn’t hit a three since the trump administration and he’s lights out against us ofc
We’re letting a white boy named Trey kill us it’s so over
Pls bless me with a win
Struggling to understand why bill has so much faith in Elmarko
God damn that cr*cker is cold off them screens man I can’t lie
Decent start
Lets go boys that’s what the f*** we need
Been saying it all year broJamari is our best freshman and deserves more minutes
Tyson Walker going sicko mode