Nostalgia says 2014 my senior year . What album is that with the woman with the Afro and dimples though
Nostalgia says 2014 my senior year . What album is that with the woman with the Afro and dimples though
Gap Year by Laila! daughter of Mos Def
2014 wins
Row 1 in 2014 clears 95% of 2024
This row against:
We Don't Trust You
American Dream
Hardstone Psycho
Blue Lips
I Lay Down My Life For You
This row against:
We Don't Trust You
American Dream
Hardstone Psycho
Blue Lips
I Lay Down My Life For You
And you didn't even mention Alligator Bites, Samurai, Dark Times, The Auditorium, World Wide Whack, The Force, Insano, You Only Die 1nce, and Bando Stone.
S*** was stacked this year. Even some of the okay albums like Might Delete Later and V1 had gems in them.
I don't really see how you can compare them like a versus. Completely different worlds in rap
Obviously 2014 'wins' but it would be more interesting to break down what makes them so incredibly different years
Ok there's some real takes in here that are either braindead/trolling or we have a younger user base than I thought