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  • Buryly

    Funny if a KTT user were to say this they woudve been called “loser” all over the place

    cuz this website is charmin soft

  • Feb 23, 2020

    Who cares. Having a mom & daughter doesn't mean we have to respect and appreciate low-tier women who contribute nothing to society. The funny thing is the shoe is never on the other foot when a woman is out here disrespecting me nobody ever says I wonder how how dad feels about this or when a woman is pregnant nobody ever says since you're having a son will you start respecting men more

    it's ok bro you'll get through it....

  • Feb 23, 2020

    I don't see any lies here fam

  • Feb 23, 2020
  • Feb 23, 2020

    Who cares. Having a mom & daughter doesn't mean we have to respect and appreciate low-tier women who contribute nothing to society. The funny thing is the shoe is never on the other foot when a woman is out here disrespecting me nobody ever says I wonder how how dad feels about this or when a woman is pregnant nobody ever says since you're having a son will you start respecting men more

    Who hurt you?

  • Feb 23, 2020
    1 reply

    misogyny at its best

  • Feb 23, 2020

    This is wrong and ignorant but I've just come to not criticize these famous artists on their pov of women like I do normal ppl because I understand just how different their experience with women is than me or anyone in this thread.

  • p t ✝️
    Feb 23, 2020
    1 reply

    he speakin the language of gods

  • OP
    Feb 23, 2020

    Who cares. Having a mom & daughter doesn't mean we have to respect and appreciate low-tier women who contribute nothing to society. The funny thing is the shoe is never on the other foot when a woman is out here disrespecting me nobody ever says I wonder how how dad feels about this or when a woman is pregnant nobody ever says since you're having a son will you start respecting men more

  • Feb 23, 2020
    2 replies

    misogyny at its best


  • Feb 23, 2020

    Who cares. Having a mom & daughter doesn't mean we have to respect and appreciate low-tier women who contribute nothing to society. The funny thing is the shoe is never on the other foot when a woman is out here disrespecting me nobody ever says I wonder how how dad feels about this or when a woman is pregnant nobody ever says since you're having a son will you start respecting men more

    if you have nothing to contribute please shut up

  • Feb 23, 2020

    a rich man doesnt look at a "poor woman" to "change her life" substantially he's just looking for some p**** from someone in a vulnerable position that knows will never say "no" thus perpetuating patriarchal power dynamics

    f*** the rich anyway

    don't get it twisted 21 a comrade

  • Feb 23, 2020
  • Feb 23, 2020

    i know i said i wouldnt post an avi again but yall are tempting me

  • Feb 23, 2020
    1 reply


    anything that isn't glowingly in favor of women in 2020 is misogyny

  • Feb 23, 2020
    1 reply
    p t

    he speakin the language of gods

  • Feb 23, 2020
    2 replies

    people acting like there ain’t tons of women out here letting they man be unemployed and sit around the house all day playing xbox

    Now that I think about it my own family might be an example of this.

    My pops got va money and ssi and was kind of a bum and treated my mom like s*** and cheated and sat around all day my mom makes like 70k a year.

    They’re divorced now though and my mom hates him and takes half his ssi check

  • Feb 23, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Now that I think about it my own family might be an example of this.

    My pops got va money and ssi and was kind of a bum and treated my mom like s*** and cheated and sat around all day my mom makes like 70k a year.

    They’re divorced now though and my mom hates him and takes half his ssi check


  • p t ✝️
    Feb 23, 2020

    cant see pic

  • Feb 23, 2020

    bro what

  • Feb 23, 2020
    3 replies

    yes, and ordering food at a steakhouse is sus because you're letting another man prepare your meat

  • Feb 23, 2020

    Who cares. Having a mom & daughter doesn't mean we have to respect and appreciate low-tier women who contribute nothing to society. The funny thing is the shoe is never on the other foot when a woman is out here disrespecting me nobody ever says I wonder how how dad feels about this or when a woman is pregnant nobody ever says since you're having a son will you start respecting men more

    Another stupid post from the infamous loser poster @FREE @aLIEN

  • Feb 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I think the fact that TLC made the song "No Scrubs" when they were the broke ones the entire time perfectly encapsulates the double standard that this argument presents:

  • Nessy 🦎
    Feb 23, 2020
    1 reply

  • Feb 23, 2020
    1 reply
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Now that I think about it my own family might be an example of this.

    My pops got va money and ssi and was kind of a bum and treated my mom like s*** and cheated and sat around all day my mom makes like 70k a year.

    They’re divorced now though and my mom hates him and takes half his ssi check

    she smaht

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