  • Today, 25 years ago, Spongebob Squarepants aired its first episode. Please talk about your favorite episodes, clips and songs ITT.

    Do not move out of music section:

  • Move outta music section 💯

  • Don't... don't...

    Don't move out of music section...

  • May 1
    1 reply

    Damn, so many classics lol

    Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy V, Band Geeks, Rock Bottom probably my personal top 3

    Honorable Mention: The Bully (I really like Season 3)

  • When it comes to music it don’t get much better than Gary Come Home and This Grill is Not a Home. 1A, 1B.

  • May 1
    2 replies

    demands it stay in music section, posts nothing about Ween

  • May 1
    2 replies

    demands it stay in music section, posts nothing about Ween

    I have never listened to that crustacean music.

  • May 1
    2 replies
    Valorous Vieira

    I have never listened to that crustacean music.

    their album The Mollusk is a huge part in this show even existing. you should check them out if you're willing to move past labeling them as crustacean music lol

  • oshikuru

    their album The Mollusk is a huge part in this show even existing. you should check them out if you're willing to move past labeling them as crustacean music lol

    Thank you, I will research this lore and check the album out.

  • May 1
    1 reply

    by far the greatest tv cartoon of all time. THE greatest

  • Imaginatiiioooonnn

  • The greatest ever

    If yall haven’t in a while, watch the 2004 movie. Soooo many classic moments and quotable jammed into one movie it’s kinda crazy

  • greatest tv cartoon oat

  • Valorous Vieira

    I have never listened to that crustacean music.

    Ween is sick af. I was just listening to a bunch of their stuff with a buddy like 2 days ago

  • May 1

    The Kids version of Simpsons

  • Never liked this show as a kid


  • best kids show ever?
    I can still watch it

  • The day this show premiered was the day nick changed forever i knew it was over for rugrats,doug,hey Arnold etc spongebob the nick mickey mouse

  • Do you feel it now Mr.Krabs?

  • What a show