  • If these niggas make another NFL game I’ll pay $100

  • Jul 3, 2020
    1 reply

    If all games are $70 now I’m NEVER buying a game on release period

    if ps5 works like ps4 as far as game sharing just gonna keep buying accounts for 10 dollars with 20 games

  • Jul 3, 2020
    2 replies

    Games nowadays don’t even get released in their finished form and these f***ers want us to pay MORE???

    Think I’m just gonna go outside. It’s been downhill for years with 0 innovation. Was fun while it lasted.

    with the all the money they make from the micro transactions and all these in game money systems

    why aren’t games better why don’t they put money into their games

  • Jul 3, 2020

    with the all the money they make from the micro transactions and all these in game money systems

    why aren’t games better why don’t they put money into their games

    Literally bro

    How the f*** did games from 20 years ago come out more finished than now when the industry is exponentially bigger

    They didn’t even have online capability to do micro transactions lmao

  • Jul 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Not surprising to see. 2k milks Microtranscations and is the only game I've played where there are adverts during loading screens.

  • Jul 3, 2020

    My post quoted someone that said “raise the price when people are unemployed” and i replied with “and people are collecting unemployment” so watch your f***ing mouth and mind your business lmao. Nobody was even talking to you and all your replies to me had nothing to do with what i said so gtfo here with that “Look at me being fake smart” s*** lmao

    Nigga said "watch your mouth"

  • Jul 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Not surprising to see. 2k milks Microtranscations and is the only game I've played where there are adverts during loading screens.

    They have ads....? I don’t play sports games so I wouldn’t know

  • Jul 3, 2020
    2 replies

    They have ads....? I don’t play sports games so I wouldn’t know

    Yeah they have adverts for shows, interviews, products etc and they're unskippable. They even have a Taco Bell advert disguised as a cutscene in game.

  • Jul 3, 2020

    Yeah they have adverts for shows, interviews, products etc and they're unskippable. They even have a Taco Bell advert disguised as a cutscene in game.

    Bro that’s despicable.... Gaming industry needs a whole revamp if that’s a consistent staple in a top selling game.

  • Jul 3, 2020

    Yeah they have adverts for shows, interviews, products etc and they're unskippable. They even have a Taco Bell advert disguised as a cutscene in game.

    Didn't they toy around with actual video ads in-game? I swear they did on 2K19 and then dropped it after all the backlash

  • Jul 3, 2020

    For that price, there better be a tanker truck full of photorealistic sweat

  • Jul 3, 2020
    1 reply

    My post quoted someone that said “raise the price when people are unemployed” and i replied with “and people are collecting unemployment” so watch your f***ing mouth and mind your business lmao. Nobody was even talking to you and all your replies to me had nothing to do with what i said so gtfo here with that “Look at me being fake smart” s*** lmao

    Once the CARES Act benefits run out in a few weeks, those people collecting unemployment are going to be out on the street. You try to survive on $300 a week and still find room in your budget for a $70 video game.

  • Jul 3, 2020

    Bumping it up and pricing out most people during widespread unemployment seems like a 200 IQ play for sure

  • Jul 3, 2020

    with the all the money they make from the micro transactions and all these in game money systems

    why aren’t games better why don’t they put money into their games

    Nobody knows ... There's YouTube videos you can watch with people explaining the entire downfall of sports games and how much they cheat their consumers. These publishers literally only see a $ sign and as long as they have exclusive rights to s*** they will keep doing this stuff

  • Jul 3, 2020

    If it hit like 2k14 did on PS4 it’s worth it.

  • Russlio

    if ps5 works like ps4 as far as game sharing just gonna keep buying accounts for 10 dollars with 20 games

    How you be finding these accounts lol? That s*** not sketchy?

  • Jul 3, 2020

    Once the CARES Act benefits run out in a few weeks, those people collecting unemployment are going to be out on the street. You try to survive on $300 a week and still find room in your budget for a $70 video game.

    Those people can NOT afford a video game period. Makes no difference if it’s 60 or 70 lmao

  • Jul 3, 2020

    Patient gamers won

  • Jul 3, 2020

    Thread SCREAMS broke

    you sound f***ing ed bro sorry

  • Jul 3, 2020

    If all games are $70 now I’m NEVER buying a game on release period

    $60 already too much lmfao

  • Jul 4, 2020

    Dropping a extra $100 on a sports game seems Like the ultimate smooth brain move

    It’s basically a mental illness

  • Jul 4, 2020

    S*** I bought 2k20 for 14.99 and instantly regretted it

  • Jul 4, 2020

    $70 for a game plagued with micro transactions, the nerve of some of these game devs lmfao


    They over work and under pay their employees, blaming the price of games while ignoring that they are making billions in micro-transactions

  • Jul 4, 2020

    When games were still $49.99

  • Jul 5, 2020
    1 reply

    congrats to them for starting a cancerous trend of their own before ea could