Wjen they were at the airport, there is carry on ur can take in the plane and a 22kg limit for luggage My friend only had a carry on.
If u pass that 22kg limit u have to pay 90$ fee.
She had 2 bags each 20kg. She told him she doesnt wanna pay the fee and made him just carry one of the luggae since he only had a carry on.
That was mistake number one. He checked in one of the bags
Ah I see, unfortunate
why did she give herself up?
No one knows to this day. He said they locked them in the same truck with a divider net in between for 2 people. She didnt even turn around and look at him on the way to prison.
He said he was screaming at her the entire trip. Amd she didnt even look at him in the eyes
guy nearly got his life f***ed up for a woman he barely knew
just goes to show you can't overlook your common sense for women, obviously not your friend's fault but he just dove in
He cares too much and tries to save every girl man. Same s*** today lol.
Wjen they were at the airport, there is carry on ur can take in the plane and a 22kg limit for luggage My friend only had a carry on.
If u pass that 22kg limit u have to pay 90$ fee.
She had 2 bags each 20kg. She told him she doesnt wanna pay the fee and made him just carry one of the luggae since he only had a carry on.
That was mistake number one. He checked in one of the bags
Did you tell og ktt about this? Looks familiar
Poor op coming with a good story and the only question people asking is "did you post this on ktt1"
I know I just mean crazy like I bet she never thought that’s where she’d end up lmaooo. Girls get wrapped up in s*** thinking it’s sweet
Captain save a
Surprised I didn't hear this on the news, lucky he wasn't in Mt Albert prison.
thats what i always wondered. I coulnt find a article anywhere. Apparenly he is on an episode of NZ border patrol?what ever that show is where they check ur s*** at the airport. Apparently he is on that according to a friend who watches the show. Ive never searched tho. Maybe ill look tmrw and find it.
Crazy how life can switch up on you that fast too, good reminder to always move smart (not saying your friend is to blame)
This is insane wtf
At least it ended well enough
To this day I cannot believe it happened and he got out. I thought i would never see him again. Like a person ive seen every week since i was 10, gone overnight. It was unreal
I remember this story on KTT1. Crazy that this thot got 10 years ... she deserved it but damn
Im just happy this s*** wasnt in like Thailand, or any stricter country. People live like animals in those prisons.
He said NZ was absolute madhouse though. Like people getting stabbed. Cell mate was a kidnapper. Then a pyromaniac that burned down buildings and homes. Lots of fights and you gotta fight type stuff. Lots of Native and white gangs in that prison. It was built in the 1800s i believe. Oldest one in NZ
He had 23 hours locked down, 1 hour of fenced outdoor walking. Thats it.
Its crazy to think how his one decision to approach her at that club led to all of this. Imagine he approached someone else. Who would be in his place?
Someone dodged the biggest bullet of their lives.
ah yes i remember this story sounded fake on ktt too
Basically the same exact story as OP's. This happens more often than you think sadly. Especially since their payday is usually weak as f***
Sounds like something that happened to my sis. She was lucky to not get chaught in Brazil but back in Europe tho
ah yes i remember this story sounded fake on ktt too
Thanks for being an a****** as always for no apparent reason.