Halos been mismanaged since Halo Reach. I’ve been playing since 2001. Hopefully this ends up being great for the series again but I have low expectations after being burned so many f***ing times
Do people really even want Halo like that. Like the game franchise was good 20 years ago
Maybe its time to move on…
They don't. The people who were around during its peak have grown up and moved on.
Halos been mismanaged since Halo Reach. I’ve been playing since 2001. Hopefully this ends up being great for the series again but I have low expectations after being burned so many f***ing times
Reach is where it went to s***. Sage Merrill, who worked on Shadowrun, went to Bungie and they tried to turn Halo into Shadowrun. Shadowrun is a great game in its own, but if I wanna play a game like Shadowrun, I'll put Shadowrun in. Not a Halo that plays like Shadowrun. If I put Halo in, I want to play Halo.
I think they can pull it off but they really need to bring the best designers of shooters from all their studios