  • at what point do we begin to add the 31st teams to MLB , NBA , etc. ? and you can say well what the hell are u talking about . but that is a question of evolution because if there is an accepted standard of performance , which it doesn't really get spoken about in some sports as much as others but generally speaking you can actually glean through conversation with people that watch the sport that every athlete is expected to perform at a certain level and if they can't they get replaced , or they are kept due to other factors perhaps to the detriment of their employers

    but the original point i was beginning to make was that surely at some point in society we will have produced enough athletes to be able to maintain the expected level of performance that constitutes a " major leaguer " in Nashville TN , or a proper prem talent in a third team in Manchester that finishes above the relegation zone in a Premier League with 21 or 22 teams ,

    but why put this in the life section ? because this is a premise that can be expanded upon in any facet of life . why did we come up with the arbitrary premise of an S&P 500 or Fortune 500 company ? you can say it's not arbitrary because businesses fall in and out of these indices over time but the idea that there are only 500 companies worth attributing that level of prestige and a***ysis to is like , i am trying to present it as being weird or strange but in reality it's just something we've come to accept , until the day that we no longer accept that as reality , since every major sports competition began with a significantly lesser amount of top flight teams than when it began in one way or another , and that has to be true of life as well i think , the idea that we have become so advanced and better than our predecessors so as to necessitate a change in the standard of what was once considered the makings of a top quality or world class person / place / thing / achievement - maybe ? not sure but i would have liked to discuss it with someone

    its too bad i am going to have my avi posted and be ridiculed for posting 3 paragraphs in a one paragraph town and stuff like that , and that's if this thread does well . i could be looking at a one reply dud here as well . i think i'm looking at a no reply dud here but prove me wrong , prove to me that ktt2 has evolved over time and that people can discuss an esoteric concept in a light hearted at times but also semi serious at others fashion

  • Jun 15, 2023

  • Jun 15, 2023
    1 reply

    man go to bed

  • PIMP 💿
    Jun 15, 2023

    I did this pretty much most of last year

    Now I’m living healthier

  • Jun 15, 2023
    1 reply

    4 am type post

  • Jun 15, 2023

    Humans like labels (a “national park” will draw more visitors than a comparable area that isn’t a national park) and certain numbers (below 12 inclusive, then multiples of 2 and 5, with multiples of 10 and 4 being preferred - 32 is a more pleasing number than 34, 40 is more pleasing than 45 - multiples of 12 and especially 100 are good as well)

  • Four in the mornin and I'm zonin

  • Jun 15, 2023

    there’s no way you think we’ll believe you’re sober after that bullshit. i mean, at what point do we begin to add the 31st teams to MLB , NBA , etc. ? and you can say well what the hell are u talking about . but that is a question of evolution because if there is an accepted standard of performance , which it doesn't really get spoken about in some sports as much as others but generally speaking you can actually glean through conversation with people that watch the sport that every athlete is expected to perform at a certain level and if they can't they get replaced , or they are kept due to other factors perhaps to the detriment of their employers
    but the original point i was beginning to make was that surely at some point in society we will have produced enough athletes to be able to maintain the expected level of performance that constitutes a " major leaguer " in Nashville TN , or a proper prem talent in a third team in Manchester that finishes above the relegation zone in a Premier League with 21 or 22 teams ,
    but why put this in the life section ? because this is a premise that can be expanded upon in any facet of life . why did we come up with the arbitrary premise of an S&P 500 or Fortune 500 company ? you can say it's not arbitrary because businesses fall in and out of these indices over time but the idea that there are only 500 companies worth attributing that level of prestige and a***ysis to is like , i am trying to present it as being weird or strange but in reality it's just something we've come to accept , until the day that we no longer accept that as reality , since every major sports competition began with a significantly lesser amount of top flight teams than when it began in one way or another , and that has to be true of life as well i think , the idea that we have become so advanced and better than our predecessors so as to necessitate a change in the standard of what was once considered the makings of a top quality or world class person / place / thing / achievement - maybe ? not sure but i would have liked to discuss it with someone
    its too bad i am going to have my avi posted and be ridiculed for posting 3 paragraphs in a one paragraph town and stuff like that , and that's if this thread does well . i could be looking at a one reply dud here as well . i think i'm looking at a no reply dud here but prove me wrong , prove to me that ktt2 has evolved over time and that people can discuss an esoteric concept in a light hearted at times but also semi serious at others fashion

  • Jun 15, 2023
    1 reply

  • في أي نقطة نبدأ في إضافة الفرق 31 إلى MLB و NBA وما إلى ذلك؟ ويمكنك أن تقول جيدًا ما الذي تتحدث عنه بحق الجحيم. ولكن هذا سؤال يتعلق بالتطور لأنه إذا كان هناك معيار مقبول للأداء ، والذي لا يتم الحديث عنه في بعض الرياضات بقدر ما يتم الحديث عنه في رياضات أخرى ، ولكن بشكل عام ، يمكنك في الواقع استخلاص من خلال المحادثة مع الأشخاص الذين يشاهدون الرياضة من المتوقع أن يؤدي الرياضي مستوى معين وإذا لم يتمكن من استبداله ، أو يتم الاحتفاظ به بسبب عوامل أخرى ربما تكون على حساب أصحاب العمل.

    لكن النقطة الأصلية التي بدأت في توضيحها هي أنه في مرحلة ما من المجتمع ، سنكون قد أنتجنا عددًا كافيًا من الرياضيين لنكون قادرين على الحفاظ على المستوى المتوقع من الأداء الذي يشكل "لاعبًا رئيسيًا" في ناشفيل تينيسي ، أو موهبة سابقة مناسبة في فريق ثالث في مانشستر يتخطى منطقة الهبوط في الدوري الإنجليزي مع 21 أو 22 فريقًا ،

    لكن لماذا وضع هذا في قسم الحياة؟ لأن هذه فرضية يمكن التوسع فيها في أي جانب من جوانب الحياة. لماذا توصلنا إلى فرضية تعسفية لشركة S&P 500 أو Fortune 500؟ يمكنك القول إنه ليس تعسفيًا لأن الشركات تدخل وتخرج من هذه المؤشرات بمرور الوقت ، لكن فكرة وجود 500 شركة فقط تستحق أن تنسب إليها هذا المستوى من المكانة والتحليل ، أحاول تقديمها على أنها غريبة أو غريبة ولكن في الواقع ، إنه مجرد شيء تقبلناه ، حتى اليوم الذي لم نعد نتقبله على أنه حقيقة ، حيث بدأت كل منافسة رياضية كبرى بعدد أقل بكثير من فرق الطيران العليا مقارنةً بالوقت الذي بدأت فيه بطريقة أو بأخرى ، و هذا يجب أن يكون صحيحًا في الحياة كما أعتقد ، فكرة أننا أصبحنا متقدمين للغاية وأفضل من أسلافنا بحيث يستلزم تغيير مستوى ما كان يعتبر ذات مرة من العناصر ذات الجودة العالية أو المستوى العالمي / المكان / الشيء / الإنجاز - ربما؟ لست متأكدًا ولكني كنت أرغب في مناقشته مع شخص ما

    إنه أمر سيء للغاية ، سأقوم بنشر أفي الخاص بي وأتعرض للسخرية لنشر 3 فقرات في مدينة فقرة واحدة وأشياء من هذا القبيل ، وهذا إذا كان هذا الموضوع جيدًا. يمكن أن أنظر إلى إجابة واحدة لم تنفجر هنا أيضًا. أعتقد أنني أتطلع إلى عدم الرد هنا ولكن أثبت لي خطأ ، أثبت لي أن ktt2 قد تطور بمرور الوقت وأنه يمكن للناس مناقشة مفهوم مقصور على فئة معينة في ضوء قلبي في بعض الأحيان ولكن أيضًا شبه جاد في أزياء أخرى

  • Jun 15, 2023

    This post reminds me of when I used to use tons of d****

  • Jun 15, 2023

    Popped an adderall I feel like I could lift a tree up

  • Jun 15, 2023


  • Jun 15, 2023

    man go to bed

  • Jun 15, 2023

    Unemployed mfs

  • Jun 15, 2023

    Ops fam listening to all that bullshit he just said while trying to eat breakfast

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Jun 15, 2023

  • Cheetah

    4 am type post

  • Jun 15, 2023

    the consequences of worshipping Karl marx

  • Jun 15, 2023

    at what point do we close registration