The reason i said hyperpop is bc i feel like he's been the most successful to reconcile that ethos with the hip-hop aesthetic, so you just think "oh this is like pierre" when in actuality it's more loud, synthetic and bubbly. AKA this is what hyperpop and hip hop should sound like bc the rest is ass
so, pop rap.
u got some hw 2 do bucko
his videos are f***ing genius man
The reason i said hyperpop is bc i feel like he's been the most successful to reconcile that ethos with the hip-hop aesthetic, so you just think "oh this is like pierre" when in actuality it's more loud, synthetic and bubbly. AKA this is what hyperpop and hip hop should sound like bc the rest is ass
feel like ive read this post regarding like 9 different rappers this week lol
music has been so uninspiring for me this year but this nigga really restoring the feeling
I actually think one time someone told me bby Goyard been doing the high pitch voice for a while now too so he sorta was doing it before most people just lowkey af