Where do I sign up?
Sure. Iโd just never wear underwear again
Or am I forced to do it? I can change my diet to limit flatulence
New pair as in fresh out the pack? Or new pair as in just a clean pair?
fresh out the pack
We'll consider an average price of 15 for a 5 pack of boxer briefs. The average human farts 5-15 times a day (nhs.uk/conditions/flatulence/#:~:text=Check%20if%20your%20farting%20is%20normal&text=Everyone%20farts%2C%20some%20people%20more,to%2015%20times%20a%20day.). Worst case scenario, this is a 45 dollar daily toll. Divide 4 mill by 45, you get 88888.88. Divide this by 365.25, It would take 243 years to run out the 4 million.
Average person farts like 10 times per day
so that's 10 x however much it costs to to buy a new pair + how long your life is
We'll consider an average price of 15 for a 5 pack of boxer briefs. The average human farts 5-15 times a day (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/flatulence/#:~:text=Check%20if%20your%20farting%20is%20normal&text=Everyone%20farts%2C%20some%20people%20more,to%2015%20times%20a%20day.). Worst case scenario, this is a 45 dollar daily toll. Divide 4 mill by 45, you get 88888.88. Divide this by 365.25, It would take 243 years to run out the 4 million.
We'll consider an average price of 15 for a 5 pack of boxer briefs. The average human farts 5-15 times a day (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/flatulence/#:~:text=Check%20if%20your%20farting%20is%20normal&text=Everyone%20farts%2C%20some%20people%20more,to%2015%20times%20a%20day.). Worst case scenario, this is a 45 dollar daily toll. Divide 4 mill by 45, you get 88888.88. Divide this by 365.25, It would take 243 years to run out the 4 million.
very good math but this doesn't consider fart variables like if you had Chicken Vindaloo the night before
also the time + effort it requires to put on a new pair
and the social consequences. what if you fart at Granny's funeral?