You can cherry pick all you like, he is known for reiterating all that street s*** every one else was already talking about
He is known to actually have lived it. I don't hear people talk about other acts as some gangsters
What type of latino are you?
I grew up and spent more than 20 years in a third world country.
What u gon tell me bout bein oppressed?
I grew up and spent more than 20 years in a third world country.
What u gon tell me bout bein oppressed?
i asked what type of Latino you are, not your oppression dumbass
i asked what type of Latino you are, not your oppression dumbass
Uh oh, the latino police is on me
Lmao nah 50 funny af he don’t play with the bsss
His spelled George Floyds name wrong in that
Uh oh, the latino police is on me
I wanna know your race since you arent white.
I wanna know your race since you arent white.
I am latino.
Cant you understand?. What kind of dumb ass question is this.
Latino community (in our countries)isnt divided by color of skin, its divided by class you ignorant, sheltered, pretentious piece of s***.
50 is known internationally still. He can go on a legacy tour whenever he wants and still do well just off the strength.
good point
I am latino.
Cant you understand?. What kind of dumb ass question is this.
Latino isnt a race, its an ethnicity. Have you ever filled out a consensus? Under race it doesnt say ‘Latino’. I am Latino and I am black since my family were African slaves.
Latino community (in our countries)isnt divided by color of skin, its divided by class you ignorant, sheltered, pretentious piece of s***.
Thats not true at all.
Latino isnt a race, its an ethnicity. Have you ever filled out a consensus? Under race it doesnt say ‘Latino’. I am Latino and I am black since my family were African slaves.
You sound c**
Latino community (in our countries)isnt divided by color of skin, its divided by class you ignorant, sheltered, pretentious piece of s***.
Colorism and racism exists everywhere, especially in the Latino Community. Jair Bolsonaro is a legit Far Right racist who thinks of indigenous people as subhuman.
Colorism and racism exists everywhere, especially in the Latino Community. Jair Bolsonaro is a legit Far Right racist who thinks of indigenous people as subhuman.
Brazil is not latino
Brazil is not latino
Brazilians are Latino because the country is located in Latin America. They arent Hispanic bc they dont speak spanish dumbass
Latin america is made up of mestizos, most of the time it was the owner of thr land raping the women who worked for him and not giving the kid their last name.
Its not about race, its about class over there. You can link ad many things as you want, i know the history of my land.
Brazilians are Latino because the country is located in Latin America. They arent Hispanic bc they dont speak spanish dumbass
Wow, you sound like q c**
Latin america is made up of mestizos, most of the time it was the owner of thr land raping the women who worked for him and not giving the kid their last name.
Its not about race, its about class over there. You can link ad many things as you want, i know the history of my land.
You are wrong. I literally showed you that you are wrong. I am not talking about class. No matter what you hve a f***ing race. And you are a Cracker