The difference is Africans are agreed upon the first people on Earth. That’s the plot hole
plot hole
so how do you believe white people came into existence
It’s simple. People migrated to colder climates and then their pigments changes. The ones that stayed in warmer climates either got darker or stayed lighter that’s it.
It does not make any one of these groups savages, less than, or animals
Humans migrated out of Africa to find resources bud. There was no evolution past that. We still mate and produce offspring regardless of melanin.
Talking about whatever culture existed in the caucus mountains tens of thousands of years ago is one thing. To say it was passed down genetically is gibberish. Treating morality as genetic material is also gibberish.
You're an idiot.
Africa is still the most resource rich continent on the planet the f*** are you talking about. Yes people migrated but it wasn’t due to a lack of resources.
How do you think white people came into existence given the fact the first person was Black?
Melanin s*** can’t be proven but what can be seen is evolving in a cold climate for an extended period of time will make you more animalistic in your tendencies due to the lack of resources. For comparison look at how “animalistic” untouched aboriginal tribes are now that there are less natural resources and overall area for them to roam
But those tribes aren’t in cold climates they are in warm hot climates so what are you trying to say
People say that about niggas in the hood too!! It’s so f***ing weird to me bro
It’s simple. People migrated to colder climates and then their pigments changes. The ones that stayed in warmer climates either got darker or stayed lighter that’s it.
It does not make any one of these groups savages, less than, or animals
So when “Black on Black crime” is brought up the general consensus is that people are a product of their environment and Black people often live in an environment created by a white supremacist system
So if white people got separated from the warm climate of Africa to a more cold environment long enough to essentially eradicate visible melanin from their genes, generations upon generations of struggling to survive in a cold, harsh climate wouldn’t change the psychological disposition at all?
Africa is still the most resource rich continent on the planet the f*** are you talking about. Yes people migrated but it wasn’t due to a lack of resources.
How do you think white people came into existence given the fact the first person was Black?
Nobody cared about what minerals were in the ground. They needed food. They left to find it. If all those people stay in one place, it doesn't matter what their environment offers. They would outgrow it.
They moved to different climates. The concentration of melanin in their skin changed. Their hair changed. Temperature. Light.
Humans are all animalistic. We're animals. Our history is that of bloodshed. Not sure where this untouched Eden of compassion exists in Africa. It would seem to me humans from all reaches have fought over whatever was around to fight over forever.
The introduction of white skin is a point of contention.
The term "Caucasian" is very outdated. The reason why the scientific community has moved away from these terms is because they're typological-- basically put into arbitrary categories. Folk from the Caucuses were not exclusively white-skinned, and a good amount were dark brown in skin tone.
The introduction of pale skin is actually very recent. Some anthropologists have determined that pale skin only recently came into Europe 8,000 years ago ( Farmers and hunter-gatherers in the north begun to have pale skin due to two genomes (SLC24A5 and SLC45A2), but a lot of Southern Europe had very dark skin still at this point in time.
The reason why pale skin came to fruition isn't because of cave-dwelling (cave-dwelling is something only a VERY TINY minority of humans did across history, and it was mostly pre-historic humans), but because of the lack of Vitamin D3 synthesis in the northern regions of Europe.
"Then, the first farmers from the Near East arrived in Europe; they carried both genes for light skin. As they interbred with the indigenous hunter-gatherers, one of their light-skin genes swept through Europe, so that central and southern Europeans also began to have lighter skin. The other gene variant, SLC45A2, was at low levels until about 5800 years ago when it swept up to high frequency."
I have a couple more journals and articles if you want, but that article in particular is great and keeps everything simple. keep in mind I learned most of this in anthropology courses I took like 2 years ago, so I might f*** up some of the explanation.
Big f***ing yikes bro. Like this legit the same mentality motherfuckers said about how black people are less intelligent and continue to do that to this day. How can these people be so f***ing ignorant to these issues?
Yeah he tried to fight ignorance with more ignorance.
His apology seemed sincere enough to me though so I forgive him.
So when “Black on Black crime” is brought up the general consensus is that people are a product of their environment and Black people often live in an environment created by a white supremacist system
So if white people got separated from the warm climate of Africa to a more cold environment long enough to essentially eradicate visible melanin from their genes, generations upon generations of struggling to survive in a cold, harsh climate wouldn’t change the psychological disposition at all?
No because fire was a thing, including using furs and coverings and relatively shortly after there was shelter.
by your argument, it sounds like you are saying by moving to colder climates it caused them to develop faster
Lmao this nigga Nick Cannon wasn’t speaking up for s*** nigga was jus talkin s*** bout white peoples but watever
No because fire was a thing, including using furs and coverings and relatively shortly after there was shelter.
by your argument, it sounds like you are saying by moving to colder climates it caused them to develop faster
They got that killer instinct at the expense of compassion is basically the argument
Lmao this nigga Nick Cannon wasn’t speaking up for s*** nigga was jus talkin s*** bout white peoples but watever
Did Nick make Anti Semitic statements or nah?? If so he deserves to be cancelled imo
He said black people are the real semites and can’t be anti Semitic. To me it’s not anti Semitic, but then again I’m not Jewish. It is however f***ing stupid
Nick has always been corny so I don’t care.
Plus he’s an idiot, thought he was speaking some real s***.
fun fact: the Inuit kept their dark skin because of their fish-heavy diet. their nutrition had a lot of Vitamin D, so selection for pale skin genomes never occurred
The introduction of white skin is a point of contention.
The term "Caucasian" is very outdated. The reason why the scientific community has moved away from these terms is because they're typological-- basically put into arbitrary categories. Folk from the Caucuses were not exclusively white-skinned, and a good amount were dark brown in skin tone.
The introduction of pale skin is actually very recent. Some anthropologists have determined that pale skin only recently came into Europe 8,000 years ago ( Farmers and hunter-gatherers in the north begun to have pale skin due to two genomes (SLC24A5 and SLC45A2), but a lot of Southern Europe had very dark skin still at this point in time.
The reason why pale skin came to fruition isn't because of cave-dwelling (cave-dwelling is something only a VERY TINY minority of humans did across history, and it was mostly pre-historic humans), but because of the lack of Vitamin D3 synthesis in the northern regions of Europe.
"Then, the first farmers from the Near East arrived in Europe; they carried both genes for light skin. As they interbred with the indigenous hunter-gatherers, one of their light-skin genes swept through Europe, so that central and southern Europeans also began to have lighter skin. The other gene variant, SLC45A2, was at low levels until about 5800 years ago when it swept up to high frequency."
I have a couple more journals and articles if you want, but that article in particular is great and keeps everything simple. keep in mind I learned most of this in anthropology courses I took like 2 years ago, so I might f*** up some of the explanation.
You can keep your facts and logic. Il stick to my made up religious fiction thank you very much
First L for 50, hate to see it
How? For saying Nick was on some stupid s***? Nick himself already took back what he said.
They got that killer instinct at the expense of compassion is basically the argument
so the people who stayed in warmer climates did not kill for food? we both know that’s not true. Hunter gatherer societies were the first societies to emerge in Africa and the warmer climates
Key word: Hunter
Key implication: they killed as well