50's done way worse on social media and bounced back from it.
Crazy thing is 50 irl is a good dude. I know because my aunt who's an event planner in NJ used to rent out some venues for him and she always said 50 was observant and was nice around people.
Dude knows how to play people for outrage and attention.
everyone knows who 50 cent is
u missed the point. everyone knows 50 but young kids dont know what hes like lol
I'm pretty sure they had beef anyway so this shouldn't be a surprise
Michael K was friends with Jimmy henchman who killed a couple of 50s friends
man got shot 9 times and lived
he literally does not care for good reason he's playing life on a bonus round
20 year later and niggas still don’t realize 50 does not give a f*** about anything
20 year later and niggas still don’t realize 50 does not give a f*** about anything
nigga always had candid photoshoots for rip posts
The "fuck you" in the comments is wild without and probably with context
nigga always had candid photoshoots for rip posts
that f*** you at the end always takes me out
nigga always had candid photoshoots for rip posts