i can smell the dusty NY fitted cap
Eazy E should be higher
38 Young Thug43 Tom McDonald
G Herbo???
For f***'s sake just lock this thread already
not true ken carson teen x
very disrespectful and whoever is responsible must be held accountable in a court of law.
Diddy isn't even a rapper ffs
Is #1 or #50 the worst
List is dumb Eazy E wasn’t a bad rapper at all
real for rza lol
Ying Yang Twins on the same list with Tom Mcdonald absolutely mental
lil uzi and thugger lolol
50 seeking his daily dose of attention
Why did I think 50 cent made this list
If this list in anyway shape or form influences you,Look in the mirror
This might be the saddest list of all time
This list is a hate crime
whoever made this list needs to be jumped