  • Mar 21
  • Bruhhh jus wondering where this dude went

  • Mar 21
    1 reply

    Aaaahhh so the dog whistle rap gimmick didn’t work I see

  • Mar 21
    2 replies

    he and mario judah back? a new pandemic is coming

  • OP
    Mar 21
    M To the Ozu

    Aaaahhh so the dog whistle rap gimmick didn’t work I see

    It's not a gimmick. It's a fitted.

  • IN

  • Bro aged like 10 years, and why does he have such awkward camera presence?

  • CGI Dog

    he and mario judah back? a new pandemic is coming

    you're telling me mario judah not only lost all his weight he's still doing millions of views per video after like a 4 yr hiatus? what?

  • Man I’ll never forget dead end hiphop reacting to this dude

  • now that's a name I've not heard in a long time

  • CGI Dog

    he and mario judah back? a new pandemic is coming